Hi, I'm running with success RetroArch in my E2.
I think the most important is the hardware and the architecture (arm/armhf I think is more easy).
For now I'm using a Hisilicon Hi3798Cv200 with 2GB RAM.
But I think is possible apply this for other's architectures.
HI3798CV200 is actually the same as HI3798MV200 which is used by some Openpli enigma2 boxes.
So can you inform a bit more how you install it and which sources are used to build it.
So do you have an openembedded packages which you build?
Sorry of delay, HI3798MV200 and HI3798CV200 have a compatible SDK but I'm using E2 long before have a for HI3798MV200.
I maked a Debian 9.5 rootfs and compiled all enigma2 packages, now I can compile all direct in my box.
For RetroArch, I'm not need make big changes I only create a UDEV rule for put my RC as a KEYBOARD for RetroArch detect this.
My git for RetroArch: https://github.com/l...sampa/RetroArch
My topic in libretro forum: https://forums.libre...n-enigma2/21306