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ServiceInfo Extended PID info

jpuigs's Photo jpuigs 9 Dec 2018

I've done some modifications to ServiceInfo screen file.


(The left side tuner bars are not part of this mod, they are a personal skin mod)


First of all, it displays audiotrack type and language.      Attached File  1.jpg   145.84KB   3 downloads


Then, when detecting a multi track channel it changes texts…. Attached File  2.jpg   195.64KB   3 downloads


When pressing yellow, all tracks appear….  Attached File  3.jpg   195.01KB   3 downloads


A channel with several subtitle tracks…  . Attached File  4.jpg   244.88KB   3 downloads


A channel with both several tracks and several subtitles   Attached File  5.jpg   237.1KB   2 downloads


Audio códec on files  …….Attached File  6.jpg   150.15KB   3 downloads


IPTV  …… Attached File  7.jpg   202.06KB   4 downloads



When there are a lot of tracks……  Attached File  8_1.jpg   285.19KB   3 downloads     Attached File  8_2.jpg   214.36KB   3 downloads



Edited by jpuigs, 9 December 2018 - 18:51.

jpuigs's Photo jpuigs 9 Dec 2018

Would you like these changes to be applied ?


WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 9 Dec 2018

I leave that to people that actually use this information. Personally I only visit that screen if I need the service ref... ;)


fairbird's Photo fairbird 9 Dec 2018


Even if openpli did not applied...post here your source.

We will use it in our environment build patches ...


Thank you


foxbob's Photo foxbob 9 Dec 2018

If you can source.


littlesat's Photo littlesat 9 Dec 2018

it looks like a very long list... when for the basic do not see
any big change it is fine...
Edited by littlesat, 9 December 2018 - 22:05.

jpuigs's Photo jpuigs 9 Dec 2018

The Basic view is the one which appears by default. The extended list only appears (if available = more than 1 audiotrack or any subtitle track) when pressing yellow button.

The basic view has only one change, audio PID gets codec info and language (if available).


Do you want me to commit on github ?


Apart from this ServiceInfo file, PLi skins have to be slighly modified to include this : scrollbarMode="showOnDemand"  on serviceinfosimple screen, to enable scroolbar viewing if list gets long on extended view.


littlesat's Photo littlesat 10 Dec 2018

But from the other side the extra audio and subtitles are also viewable via the audio/subtitle or yellow button and then also selectable... So what is the real added value???


jpuigs's Photo jpuigs 10 Dec 2018

Audio/yellow button doesn't show Audio PIDs.


If a channel has 3 audio tracks, and you want to know APIDs, you have to change three times audiotrack and check info.

Using this mod, you can get it in a one simple screen.

Edited by jpuigs, 10 December 2018 - 00:28.

littlesat's Photo littlesat 10 Dec 2018

You also can add the pid in the audiolist... I think a smaller change with a bit more added value...
The service info screen was intended to show the current situation.
Edited by littlesat, 10 December 2018 - 06:59.

Erik Slagter's Photo Erik Slagter 10 Dec 2018

I do like it. Why does the list need to be short? I don't see the need for it to be called with another colour key. Most people aren't using this screen anyway, because they don't understand it anyway.


littlesat's Photo littlesat 10 Dec 2018

Sounds like someone needs also to add a scrollbar there with scrollbar functionality as the list is no static and will be dynamic and could also get too long to put on one screen.... At this moment the design is give the current situation... Not give additional possible selectable information...


It is 'more' than just add thinks....


But when you see above the scrollbar is there so it sounds like the patch is OK... and having it behind a yellow toggle button to select less or more is also fine for me.


Now we 'just' need to evaluate of the merge request will be ©lean... :D

Edited by littlesat, 10 December 2018 - 10:13.

WanWizard's Photo WanWizard 10 Dec 2018

I do like it. Why does the list need to be short? I don't see the need for it to be called with another colour key. Most people aren't using this screen anyway, because they don't understand it anyway.


I also prefer this type of technical info to be in the same screen, instead of scattered all over, just because other screens show "related" data. 


Robinson's Photo Robinson 10 Dec 2018

In my opinion, quite useful.

Thank you.


jpuigs's Photo jpuigs 10 Dec 2018

Cleaning code...


when it's ready we'll apply.


mirakels's Photo mirakels 13 Dec 2018

I like it too!

Good to see all related info together including some human readable info. Very nice.


(if the fact that part of the info is also visible in audio/subtitle menus would count, then the same would apply to for instance the program info on infobar and the in the EPG...)


jpuigs's Photo jpuigs 13 Dec 2018

The code has been merged today.

Thanks to littlesat to help me to optimize it.

Edited by jpuigs, 13 December 2018 - 19:10.

ims's Photo ims 13 Dec 2018


One note - language codes could be displayed as lowercase,imho - same as are broadcasted (iso693)


Erik Slagter's Photo Erik Slagter 13 Dec 2018

Yes, no unnecessary capitalisation (sp?) please.


jpuigs's Photo jpuigs 13 Dec 2018

I did in capitals, because audio Codec is in capitals too, to have them equal.
