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Movieplayer infobar position

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#1 Stosun

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Posted 29 January 2019 - 22:21

Hi, do you set up in the movieplayer to have the infobar down and not up? I use PLI-FullNightHD.Thanks

Edited by Stosun, 29 January 2019 - 22:22.

Re: Movieplayer infobar position #2 littlesat

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 07:42

We have it for years on top... (subtitles viewable why playing recordings/MKVs)... actually basically you need to modify the whole skin...

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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #3 ims

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 09:13

No reason move it bottom...

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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #4 WanWizard

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 11:25

I thought someone was busy trying to replace the current one with the standard infobar, at the moment? Much more logical and end-user friendly.

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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #5 littlesat

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 12:17

There was indeed a thread about this on this forum (I cannot find it sorry)... When we al go for it we can consider to change it...

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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #6 Stosun

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 14:20

I thought how it is in this thread. https://forums.openp...or-mediaplayer/

Re: Movieplayer infobar position #7 ims

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 14:40

I thought someone was busy trying to replace the current one with the standard infobar, at the moment? Much more logical and end-user friendly.

Could you tell me, what is more user friendly, when it will be bottom ? Resp. what is user unfriendly on it, if is top ?!

Edited by ims, 30 January 2019 - 14:44.

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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #8 WanWizard

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 15:07

For starters, the user experience is different. Information is in a different place, or simply missing. The fact that you are used to something doesn't mean it's any good...

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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #9 ims

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 15:18

Do you think, it will be same as standard infobar ? It is different part ... playback movies, not services... In most cases are bottom subtitles. It will be hidden in this time ? What about long names ? If it will be as standard infobar, it will be or small fonts or not whole filename or divided name ... in final here will be questions - and where is displayed orbital position ?

Edited by ims, 30 January 2019 - 15:19.

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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #10 WanWizard

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 15:27

Remove your tech hat, and put on your end-user hat.


An enduser has no clue, nor does he want to have a clue, what a service and a playback source is, and he doesn't care. An enduser expects the info to be where it always is.

We make a mess of it as well, as a local file is "playback", but a remote file is a "service"? Explain that to your dad... ;)


Both have a title, a duration, a progress bar, epg info, resolution, etc. No, you don't have orbital info, but a stream doesn't have that either, and that doesn't seem to bother us?

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #11 ims

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 16:54

My dad had not problem with it ...


Yes, less brain using leads to degeneration... then I can not be surprised, that people pressing 3 times key cursor left and then 3 times key Backspace instead use key Delete ;) .

Edited by ims, 30 January 2019 - 16:54.

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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #12 Taykun345

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 18:17

I see no real advantage in moving infobar to the bottom.

Erik will say this is STB not media player. :) hence moving infobar not really needed.

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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #13 WanWizard

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 18:26

I fail to see the relation.


And this is not about the 0.5% tech savy people that read this forum, it is about all those users that don't, it is about proper and consistent UX design and application feedback to the user.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #14 MiLo

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Posted 30 January 2019 - 20:08

The "infobar" appears when you use skip buttons, which is really handy to see where you are in the timeline. The "full" infobar which covers about a quarter of the screen is annoying for that purpose, as it prevents you actually watching what's going on.

(The layout of the infobar was actually stolen from the Topfield 4000, so it has been around for quite some time)
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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #15 hulkman

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Posted 1 February 2019 - 13:12

Hey friends, I think you are searching for me.


Indeed I made some skinning work on OpenPliFullHD-skin. And i did the same to dvd-player and also to MerlinMusicplayer etc. as I use the userskin method it is possible to have these skin changes and have the benefit of skin updates from the Original Pli-FullHD skin. 

I'm not at home right now. I will place my userskin files here later today with some instruction how to use it.


It's not my intension to rebuild the Pli skin, nor building new skin. If there is really intrest for this, someone has to build a new skin for it's free to use my idees. :D

Re: Movieplayer infobar position #16 hulkman

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Posted 1 February 2019 - 13:38

Something I did on this skin is in the NumberZap, it's also the infobar, so I think some of you will throw-over when they see it.

The idee to it all was also to gain some memory space as well because of the repeating screen templates, to be true I did not accomplish that so I call it a theory.


To IMS: there is possability to make a I basicInfobar Template, then add position info and build TV info screen Template from that etc, like its done with the menu template and the button template. 


It's a pity that the code is now is so damn random, but thats binairy code.

Re: Movieplayer infobar position #17 littlesat

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Posted 1 February 2019 - 14:32

In addition the same infobar is shown in timeshift... with the normal infobar at the bottom... You'll breake this functionality when you move it to the bottom... as you cannot show them anymore together.

Edited by littlesat, 1 February 2019 - 14:32.

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Re: Movieplayer infobar position #18 hulkman

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Posted 1 February 2019 - 17:06

OK, who dares to try?


Here is zipped file contaning a map and a xml file. Unzip it and put both in root/etc/enigma2 (sometimes you have to create the enigma2 map).

The skin is active when you use PliFullHD skin.



Attached File  skin_user_PLi-FullHD.zip   218.78KB   14 downloads

Re: Movieplayer infobar position #19 hulkman

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Posted 1 February 2019 - 17:44

In addition the same infobar is shown in timeshift... with the normal infobar at the bottom... You'll breake this functionality when you move it to the bottom... as you cannot show them anymore together.

It will be a challenge, but it's just a way of GUI.

Re: Movieplayer infobar position #20 Stosun

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Posted 1 February 2019 - 18:10

and what should it do? Will the infobar down?

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