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Higher swapfile limit

's foto th_gates9345 29 aug 2008

Hi Pli team,
I wander if it's possible to set jade's swapfile size limit over actual 64MB by final release. Right now I set this size to jade's maximun of 64MB, enigma is using about 40MB of it. I think it's been using by dish EEPG stored on enigma set to 3 days. Maybe we can get full 9 days epg with more swap memory available. My experience is that EPG on enigma performs faster than sqlite's. Thanks.

's foto dAF2000 30 aug 2008

I think 64MB is enough for each box. It's not possible to increase it unless I change the image ;)
Also.. you won't get more days if you have more memory because you have still 24 MB swap space free. If there were more days in the EPG, Enigma would take this space too.

's foto th_gates9345 30 aug 2008

I think 64MB is enough for each box. It's not possible to increase it unless I change the image ;)
Also.. you won't get more days if you have more memory because you have still 24 MB swap space free. If there were more days in the EPG, Enigma would take this space too.

I have 24MB swap space free because I limit eepg for 3 days, maybe enigma needs some spare memory for other purpuse. What about if I set it for full 9 days?

's foto dAF2000 30 aug 2008

You need to add more swap manually, as the image itself only allows up to 64MB so first we disable swap, enlarge it, and enable swap again. Maybe first you have to disable any EPG before. After that, in telnet:

swapoff -a
dd if=/dev/zero of=/media/usb/swapfile bs=1k count=131072 (takes some time)
mkswap /media/usb/swapfile
swapon -a

I assume a swapfile on USB stick here (/media/usb/swapfile). Just check the content of /etc/fstab before and you will see which filename to use. 131072 is 131072 kB is 128 MB, change it to what you want.

After that, type "free" to check you have your swap again and enable the Enigma EPG.

's foto th_gates9345 30 aug 2008

Thanks daf, testing now.