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Corrupt audio on some DVB-T radiostations

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#1 jpuigs

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Posted 16 December 2019 - 21:03

A few days ago I noticed that 2 radiostations had a very bad sound when receiving them on some enigma boxes.


All xtrend and dreamboxes I have, have the same problem. There is no difference whether the tuner is internal, or USB one.

Octagon SF8008 doesn't have this problem, sound is always correct.

On all TVs I have at home, sound is always right when receiving it directly via DVB-T signal.

So, the problem only appears when tuning them on some enigma boxes.


I have made some more tests and the results are:

If I record radiostation, and I play it, sound is corrupted too.

If I record radiostation, and I play it (selecting "Play with ServiceExtEplayer3"), sound is corrupted too.

If I record radiostation, and I play it (selecting "Play with ServiceGstPlayer") sound is fine.

If I record radiostation, and I play this .ts file on Octagon box, sound is always correct.


A friend of mine has told me that he has the same problem on 2 VU+ boxes.


I attach a 3 minute file, If somebody wants to try on other receivers, or know why it's happening......



Attached Files

Enigma is getting old....



Re: Corrupt audio on some DVB-T radiostations #2 rantanplan

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Posted 17 December 2019 - 12:41

Regarding xtrend, I would recommend using the old driver as already mentioned several times.
The problem with media framework is known with a new driver.
If the Xtrend has a defective Sec board, you can only use the box with a new driver.

Re: Corrupt audio on some DVB-T radiostations #3 jpuigs

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Posted 17 December 2019 - 17:58

Ok, but the problem is visible in other boxes too.... DM and VU+.

This station is 192 kbit/s, but I've seen that the recording size is double size than other 192 kbit/s stations.

Enigma is getting old....



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