any chance recovery HD51 ?
Actual status:
not display, only on RS232 write
CPU 01 BCM74390012 PRID07251112 v1.7 RR:00000003 BFW SEC seclib-1.5 BBL v1.0.1 AVS init... spare0/rmon_hz=017e7878 spare1/rmon_vt=017e7878 AVS init OK AVS load:select_image: addr_offset: 00051000 part_offset: 00000000 bootStatus: 2a002b00 AVS load_code offset =00051000 AVS: OTP Decrypt 0x00000000, OTP Verify AVS 0x00000000 LOADED single board select_image: addr_offset: 00055000 part_offset: 00000000 bootStatus: 3d2b2500 MemsysFW: OTP Decrypt 0x00000000, OTP Secure Boot 0x00000000 SHMOO 01020000 BLD:9695 HW:hpf0_b1p6 V: MCB: FIX AVS start:status=000000ff STB: Current voltage=000003cd(973) temperature=0000b2c4(45764) PV=0000037a(890) MV=000003ce(974) AVS FW rev=30333078 [0.3.0.x] OK DDR0: *@ ffe0ba98 <= ffe0ba98 MEMSYS-0 @ f1100000 OK DDR1: - Sdram Scramble OTP = 0x00000001 Sdram Scramble OK select_image: addr_offset: 00020000 part_offset: 00000000 bootStatus: 1b25252b BFW load mode OTP = 0x0000000f bfw_hash_locked = 0x00000000 BFW key3 OK, CPU 01 BCM74390012 PRID07251112 v1.7 RR:00000403 BSP Debug Info: 0x4204010f 0x00000122 0x00000000 0x0000002a 0x00000030 0x00000000 0x00000100 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x00000000 BFW SEC seclib-1.5 BBL v1.0.1 AVS init... spare0/rmon_hz=017e7878 spare1/rmon_vt=017e7878 AVS init OK AVS load:*** BCHP_BSP_GLB_CONTROL_GLB_DWNLD_ERR is set. select_image: addr_offset: 00051000 part_offset: 00000000 bootStatus: aa252b2b AVS load_code offset =00051000 AVS: OTP Decrypt 0x00000000, OTP Verify AVS 0x00000000 LOADED single board *** BCHP_BSP_GLB_CONTROL_GLB_DWNLD_ERR is set. select_image: addr_offset: 00055000 part_offset: 00000000 bootStatus: bd2b252b MemsysFW: OTP Decrypt 0x00000000, OTP Secure Boot 0x00000000 SHMOO 01020000 BLD:9695 HW:hpf0_b1p6 V: MCB: FIX AVS start:status=000000ff STB: Current voltage=000003d2(978) temperature=0000b2c4(45764) PV=0000037d(893) MV=000003d2(978) AVS FW rev=30333078 [0.3.0.x] OK DDR0: *@ ffe0ba98 <= ffe0ba98 MEMSYS-0 @ f1100000 OK DDR1: - Sdram Scramble OTP = 0x00000001 Sdram Scramble OK *** BCHP_BSP_GLB_CONTROL_GLB_DWNLD_ERR is set. BFW:0000002f FATAL ERROR: Boot 2nd image failed
Edited by Frenske, 25 December 2019 - 22:34.
I moved your request to the English section where it belongs.