For the 4th time: I did not reject your PR for any of your suggested reasons, I closed it because it had a merge conflict, and I even give you the link to our CI so you could see the failure.
Hmmm. Another nonsense. It just shows how you treat facts and that it is who is assuming all the time ignoring facts. Do you know that you closed it or do you assume that you closed it? Can you show me where you closed it?
This is the PR:
Just go there (anybody can) and you clearly see that you did not close it, I closed it, do you know how? I even said and explained in this thread that I closed it. According to your words, I am lier (as I wrote it) and you are saying correct things, well, not working with git, the history has it all.
You were told 3 times to give me your GPG public key so that I can encrypt and send you all credentials for OpenPliTeam, it was not lost translation, you ignored it simply, where it was part of the first PM transifex at all. If you blame anybody, then yourself for not reading carefully.
We also don't give a toss what name you pick. But if you pick "OpenPLiTeam" or "TeamOpenPLi" as name, any blind person would make the same assumptions we made, wether or not that was your intention.
You describe yourself as blind person who did not know anything and in panic you missed PM and a thread and PR which you seem to falsely remember that you closed it. Did you maybe delete the branch too? If you dont know look up in PR. Somehow you were trying all the time to prove me that on this forum nothing gets lost but it does all the time and your previous post is just another confirmation, I dont blame you for this, it is your project, when you recognize it you might then be thankful to those who have pointed to it.
Instead, you did it all yourself, without consultation, tossed it over the wall, and are now pissed off by the fact we say "Hey mate, it doesn't work that way".
This is open source and you seem not to collaborate, hell, I could open transifex without you, it has more protection for license and everything else than this obsolete forum soft offers compared to it. That is normally how open source works, if you change some code of open source and want it to be publicly available then you are free to do so if that is the goal of this project.
I said that "the combination of the github name, the use of the logo, and the fork of all our repos suggested to us some fowl play"
It did not suggest any foul play, you also had a PM, point on that. Everything you write now is maybe possible assumption before the post in this thread or your PM and before it was done, there was no PR with changes, those were done at the same time to void confusion. Now you do not have guides, nor proper collaboration rules, nor really guides for those who would like to learn how to do such things. Just looking your history of commits shows that those changes are not done by their authors, that tells you a lot of how you PR, review etc... and Travis is also not enough, you could and can automate full build process too for all models you offer, I am quite sure that nothing of it would be new for you, you just lack on time. However, if you lack on hands and time its kinda contraproductive how you refer to "foul play" and reasons for it.
I hope you can explain which foul play was there, can you? Do not assume anymore, say I dont know if you have to assume, better than things like "I closed the PR" and similar.