Every morning at 6.30 a.m., epg import automatically fetches the EPG from a Rytec.xml.
It also works great for 2 days.
Then, when I want to watch TV, I take the receiver out of standby, I have a black screen, regardless of whether it is free or private channels.
If I click OK, I see in the info bar the EPG, the time, the signal and the CAM etc ...
But the picture is black and I have no sound (as if I had no signal).
Either the box starts itself when I go to the menu or I have to restart it myself, it is always different.
But if I go to my webcams favs (youtube, rtmp Streams etc), for example, the box restarts.
I have installed the recent VTI Image and a Vu+Zero4.
Please help me even if I don't have OpenPli ... I don't understand why I have this problem ...
THX in advance,
Edited by blongso, 15 October 2020 - 09:38.