I have a zgemma h7s with latest openpli 7.3 of december.
I am trying to take out 10 streams of fta services from same transponder, to a PC same subnet. Between streams are hd and sd ones
But after fifth stream established begins the problem. One or two of firsts streams go offline/online, web accessing is quite impossible, the stb responds with delay to remote, but I can have ssh access. After several hours, the box is blocked too
The cpu is 0% busy, very few of RAM used, flash have much space too.
The ethernet is linked 1G to the router, where the traffic is far away from hardware limit. After enabled debug, a line prevails in logs:
[eMPEGStreamParserTS] broken startcode
For my surprise, this stb, for this purpose, is manifesting worse performance that a very old zgemma star s stb with same openpli version, with 100m ethernet, less RAM, much slower cpu soft float etc etc
Can anyone give me any information ?
Can I do something in configurations ?
Is reached any limit not shown in what I checked ?
thanks in advance
Edited by kallquk, 17 December 2020 - 16:21.