Uit verveling ben ik eens met de interne share aan het rommelen geweest, het heeft ooit gewerkt (jaren terug) maar omdat er 2 legale kaarten aanwezig zijn is het eigenlijk niet nodig.
Ontvangers 2 stuks VU+ Solo2.
Aangesloten via de lan kabel. In hetzelfde netwerk.
Recentste Openpli versie. Maar ook met oudere versies hetzelfde resultaat.
Gisteren schone flash gedaan.
Kaarten rechtstreeks in de reader.
Kaarten beide actief.
Gevolgde procedure volgens de wiki:
Preparations Both boxes have to be in the same network. You have to know the IP address of the Mainreceiver. MainreceiverThis will be your server for the client “2nd_box”. On this one you don’t have to do anything, as there is already a user “2nd_box” which has access with the password “2nd_box”.
2nd_boxThis box is the client and it will login on the Mainreceiver using a "reader", let’s say to read the data it needs. All you’ll have to do is to enter the IP address of the Mainreceiver and start the Reader.
Login into OScam on the box which will be the 2nd_box, by using your favorite browser, eg. Iceweasel-Firefox-Opera-Chrome-Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge and enter http://ipadres_of_the_2nd_box:8081 , so you can configure it properly.
- Go to the Readers TAB and click on the red pencil in the line of the Mainreceiver.
- A window will open , then you go to the line that says Device.
- On this line there is “ip_adress_mainreceiver,12005".
- Here you have to enter the IP address of the Mainreceiver instead of the text.
- Now go the bottom of the screen and click the save button.
- Now click on the Readers TAB on top of the screen.
- Then on the line Mainreceiver click on the On/Off button on the screen. By clicking it the button should go from grey to green.
It all should work like instant. Yet, to be on the safe side, you could restart the Mainreceiver and the 2nd_box.
Maar het werkt niet. Kijk ik ergens over heen?
Is deze procedure niet compleet?