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vuplus: gles demo

's foto A.A. 14 mei 2021

We imported from openvuplus the libvupl libs and the gles spinning cube demo.


Please test on your vuplus devices the plugin  enigma2-plugin-extensions-libvupldemo.bb






's foto WanWizard 15 mei 2021

Runs without problems on my Duo 4K.


I only have no idea how to stop it, it even keeps running if you restart Enigma... ;)


's foto A.A. 15 mei 2021

He he...I ended up with   root@vuduo2:~# killall -9 cube


The plugin itself is just a check for the drivers.

I didn't check the code...


's foto A.A. 15 mei 2021

One developer was playing with this on Solo4K




Now we have all the pieces in place if someone is willing to play...





's foto Dimitrij 15 mei 2021

He he...I ended up with   root@vuduo2:~# killall -9 cube


The plugin itself is just a check for the drivers.

I didn't check the code...


		def stop_application(self):
-		pid = popen("ps -e | grep '%s' | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'" % RUNNAME[:15]).read()
+		pid = popen("ps | grep '%s' | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $1 }'" % RUNNAME[:15]).read()
		if pid:
			cmd("kill %s" % pid)



's foto A.A. 15 mei 2021

thanks, let's study something to avoid to add a patch


Veranderd door A.A., 15 mei 2021 - 12:56

's foto A.A. 15 mei 2021

diff --git a/recipes-graphics/libvupl-examples/enigma2-plugin-extensions-libvupldemo.bb b/recipes-graphics/libvupl-examples/enigma2-plugin-extensions-libvupldemo.bb
index 5294966..9c69fde 100644
--- a/recipes-graphics/libvupl-examples/enigma2-plugin-extensions-libvupldemo.bb
+++ b/recipes-graphics/libvupl-examples/enigma2-plugin-extensions-libvupldemo.bb
@@ -8,9 +8,15 @@ RDEPENDS_${PN} = "libvupl-example-cube"
 SRC_URI = "http://code.vuplus.c...o.${PR}.tar.gz"
+S = "${WORKDIR}/enigma2-plugin-demoplugins-libvupldemo"
+do_configure_prepend() {
+       sed -i "s/ps -e |/ps |/g" ${S}/plugin.py
 do_install_append() {
        install -d ${D}/${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/libvupldemo
-       install -m 0644 ${WORKDIR}/enigma2-plugin-demoplugins-libvupldemo/* ${D}/${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/libvupldemo/
+       install -m 0644 ${S}/* ${D}/${libdir}/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/libvupldemo/
 FILES_${PN} = "${libdir}"


's foto A.A. 15 mei 2021



once removed the .pyo that works. thanks !

Veranderd door A.A., 15 mei 2021 - 13:49

's foto Pr2 15 mei 2021



it seems that it is not yet available for the Solo4K once available I can test and report.


's foto WanWizard 15 mei 2021

It's in de bsp, but it is not added to the feed, so you need to add a dependency to it in your local.conf yourself. As it is just a test demo, I don't want to add it to the image permanently.


's foto A.A. 15 mei 2021

I'll send later a patch for meta-vuplus together with one about blindscan QA.


's foto Pr2 16 mei 2021

cube demo seems to work on the Solo4K too.


's foto serdeliuk 10 dec 2021

Indeed, it works, at least on Solo4K, there are a lot of games/apps waiting to be ported :) this combined with SDL2 can be very powerful. 

I was looking to port Supaplex  :D  unfortunately i am super busy


's foto WanWizard 10 dec 2021

Supaplex. Now that brings back memories... ;)


's foto serdeliuk 10 dec 2021

Indeeeed, lots of nice memories, actually is pretty easy to bring Supaplex to our devices, let see, maybe i will find a bit of free time this weekend.


's foto WanWizard 10 dec 2021

Hoe do you control it? I think the remote might have too much lag?


Also, if you're into games, a DOS emulator would be cool, so I can play the original Doom again. At the time I reverse-engineered the map format, and created my own maps...


's foto serdeliuk 10 dec 2021

During my Z80 emulator port i found that the RC is pretty fast :) so probably should be enough, unfortunately Supaplex require mouse to use the main menu if i recall right, so a mouse emulator will be required too to be able to use only remote control. Or USB keyboard and mouse can be used instead of RC.


In regards Doom, i think i completely ported DOSBOX at some point and should be enough, let me dig a bit through my backups :) but for this mouse and keyboard will be required for sure.


's foto WanWizard 10 dec 2021

Something for the dark days of Christmas... :)


's foto serdeliuk 10 dec 2021

Something for the dark days of Christmas... :)

Haha, yeah, i found something built for my Solo4K, but is only the dosbox binary, let me try to find out if i did built an E2 plugin to start that, i will build a zip with all stuff and add here later today, prepare your old Doom backups :D hopefully will work.


's foto serdeliuk 10 dec 2021

Something for the dark days of Christmas... :)

I found a few things that may help to run Doom, unfortunately i didn't built the E2 plugin so the emu should be started from cli over ssh.

Extract the archive in root home folder and check the READ.me hopefully will work on your Vu too, the dosbox executable was built for Vu Solo4K

Bijgevoegde Bestanden

Veranderd door serdeliuk, 10 december 2021 - 17:41