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#1 labomber

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Posted 11 September 2021 - 17:04

Hallo Leute,


ich habe eine Frage zur Unicable Konfiguration.


Zum Setup:


Vu Ultimo 4K mit 2x FBC und 1x Legacy . Gigablue Ultra SRC LNB.


Astra ist angeschlossen am Tuner I 


Tuner I 

userband 1

nicht verbunden 


Tuner J 

userband 2

verbunden mit I


Tuner K

userband 3

verbunden mit J


Tuner L

userband 4

verbunden K


Beim Tuner M wollte ich nun user band 5 und verbunden mit L einstellen jedoch geht dieser nur zu verbinden mit A B I oder J.


Was mache ich hier falsch? Bitte um Hilfe & Danke!


Re: Unicable #2 Abu Baniaz

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Posted 11 September 2021 - 17:19

You associate/connect to the tuner that has the signal wire.

Re: Unicable #3 labomber

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Posted 11 September 2021 - 17:47

The signal cable is connect @ Tuner I. The others are configured like this manual https://wiki.vuplus-...ne_Satposition 


I can´t connect all Tuners to Tuner I you need to connect J to I, K to L and M to L but this works only until Tuner L. It´s not possible to connect M to L because when I´m trying to do this there are only ABIJ is available.

Re: Unicable #4 Abu Baniaz

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Posted 11 September 2021 - 17:58

The daisy chaining (connecting to previous tuner, on every tuner) in that wiki page was because of driver issues which have now been fixed. Please ignore that wiki page and use the PLI wiki page.

A,B,I and J are the only tuners that can have a physical connection, this is why they are the only options you have.

Also, you can only connect/associate within the same FBC unit/card/module. So, A-H can only connect to A or B. I-P can only connect to I or J.

Edited by Abu Baniaz, 11 September 2021 - 18:03.

Re: Unicable #5 labomber

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Posted 11 September 2021 - 18:21

Great it works! Many thx for this.  I will just use from now the PLI wiki page  :)

Re: Unicable #6 anudanan

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Posted 13 September 2021 - 17:58

Ja, beim PLI ist das anders, bin ich anfänglich auch dran reingefallen, weil ich das beim vti immer so gelesen hatte. Beim openPLI wird jeder Tuner ohne Anschluss mit dem Tuner verbunden, an dem das Kabel angeschlossen ist. Das ist aus meiner Sicht auch viel logischer als das Verbinden mit dem vorherigen Tuner, wie es beim VTI empfohlen wird und da wohl auch so sein muss.


Mir ist allerdings vor der Umstellung auf unicable mit 2 legacy Kabeln an Tuner A und B aufgefallen, dass die automatische Verschaltung der nachgelagerten Tuner (C-H) auch immer mit dem vorherigen passiert und nicht nur mit den Tunern A oder B, an denen die Kabel hängen. Ob das der Treiber so macht oder ob das openpli das macht, kann ich nicht sagen.


Für unicable ist das jedenfalls beim openpli die falsche Weg

Edited by anudanan, 13 September 2021 - 18:05.

Receiver:2 x Uno4k SE (PLI 7.3 rel), 1 x ET9200 (PLI 4.0), NAS: 2 x QNAP 410, TV: LG 65C8llla, LG 47LB570V, LG 42LM615S, Sound: Yamaha RX-v663, Teufel System 5 THX

Re: Unicable #7 littlesat

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Posted 14 September 2021 - 07:40

Wass vti da macht is nicht richtig…. Das passiert auch nicht…. Man muss Oder mit a Oder b verbinden… (Oder I j). Bei openpli kann Mann Rass configurieren und functioniert richtig… hardware massig zit es klein cascade… c d e f g h werden verbonden mitt a Oder b….  D mit c und dann b usw ist unzinn…

Edited by littlesat, 14 September 2021 - 07:45.

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: Unicable #8 labomber

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Posted 23 September 2021 - 15:04

Ich habe nun ein weitere Frage, betrifft auch Unicable daher schreibe ich hier weiter.




4 x Wide Band LNB Inverto

2 x Unicable Multischalter IDLU-UST110-CU010-32P

1 x combiner 2 x Netzteile


Multischalter 1 AB Multischalter 2 CD


Das ganze geht mit einem Kabel an einen Vu Uno 4K SE




A = 19

B = 13

C = 16

D =0.8 




Tuner A:


erweitert >

19 Astra >

LNB 1 > 


SCR Unicable

SCR Unicable Matrix Switch



Userband 1

DiseqC deactivated

Legaqcy deactivated


erweitert >

13 Hotbird >

LNB 2 > 


SCR Unicable

SCR Unicable Matrix Switch



Userband 1

DiseqC deactivated

Legaqcy deactivated


erweitert >

0.8 Thor >

LNB 3 > 


SCR Unicable

SCR Unicable Matrix Switch



Userband 1

DiseqC deactivated

Legaqcy deactivated


erweitert >

16 Astra >

LNB 4 > 


SCR Unicable

SCR Unicable Matrix Switch



Userband 1

DiseqC deactivated

Legaqcy deactivated



Mit diesen Einstellungen habe ich nur auf Astra einen Signal und komme nicht weiter. 



Viele Grüße

Re: Unicable #9 labomber

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Posted 24 September 2021 - 19:02


Re: Unicable #10 Frenske

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Posted 29 September 2021 - 09:29


Könntest du mal kurz erklären wie dies gelöst ist damit andere Mitglieder davon lernen können. Danke im voraus.

Mijn schotel is een T90 met 10 LNB's. Daarnaast voor de fun nog een draaibaar systeem met een Triax TD 78.

Dreamboxen heb ik niet meer echt actief. Verder heb ik ook nog een een VU+ duo2 met 500Gb harddisk + een VU+ Uno, Zero, Solo 4K, Ultimo 4K, Zero 4K, Uno 4Kse. + ook nog een Xtrend ET7x00. Daarnaast heb ik ook nog diverse andere modellen w.o. een Formuler F4, ET8500, ET7500, Mut@nt 2400HD, Xsarius Fusion HD se en verder nog wel het e.e.a. waarmee op verzoek vanalles wordt getest. Iemand moet het tenslotte doen. ;) :)
Los van de eerder genoemde modellen heb ik nog wel een rits aan testsamples als Mut@nt 2400HD, HD60, GB UE4K, GB Trio4K, Maxitec Multibox combo en Twin, Octagon sf8008, sf8008 mini en last but nog least enkele modellen van het Grieks Duitse Edision.

Voor centrale opslag van media gebruik ik een Qnap 219P 
met tweemaal 2 Tb harddisks + een Synology DS414 met 12 Tb Totale opslag.

Many answers to your question can be found in our wiki: Just one click away from this "solutioncentre".

Als ik alles al wist hoefde ik ook niets te vragen. If I had all the knowledge I had no questions at all.

Re: Unicable #11 labomber

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Posted 22 October 2021 - 17:00

Falsche Modell vom Multischalter ausgewählt, somit auch falsche Userbänder  ^_^ .  

Re: Unicable #12 anudanan

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Posted 15 November 2021 - 07:06

The daisy chaining (connecting to previous tuner, on every tuner) in that wiki page was because of driver issues which have now been fixed. Please ignore that wiki page and use the PLI wiki page. A,B,I and J are the only tuners that can have a physical connection, this is why they are the only options you have. Also, you can only connect/associate within the same FBC unit/card/module. So, A-H can only connect to A or B. I-P can only connect to I or J.

Which driver issue of the FBC driver from VU do you mean?  Since my switch from legacy to unicablesome month ago on my uno4kse I´ve seen sometimes a little interrupt on some channels when a new timer starts and requests a new tuner. I´ve made the configuration with all tuners C-H are connected to tuner A (like PLI WIKI).

Because the config in vti uses a chain I´ve made a quickhack to NimManager.py a week ago to enable the possibility to make a tuner chain with B to A, C to B, D to C ... H to G (like vti WIKI) and now it works without problems .

I use openpli 7.3. Is inside openpli 7.3 a VU FCB driver which only works without problems, if the tuners are in a chain instead of connecting B-H to A?

It seems so. But for me the tuner chain works great.

Edited by anudanan, 15 November 2021 - 07:08.

Receiver:2 x Uno4k SE (PLI 7.3 rel), 1 x ET9200 (PLI 4.0), NAS: 2 x QNAP 410, TV: LG 65C8llla, LG 47LB570V, LG 42LM615S, Sound: Yamaha RX-v663, Teufel System 5 THX

Re: Unicable #13 WanWizard

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Posted 15 November 2021 - 11:55

I have a legacy setup on my FBC tuners in the Duo 4K, and since quite recently I also see this, even when nothing specific happens.


Last night several times in an hour, watching a programme while recording F1.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.

Re: Unicable #14 anudanan

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Posted 15 November 2021 - 13:08

you mean you have picture interrupts with a legacy setup on a DUO4k? 

I haven´t seen that with my legacy setup over many month ago during recording movies. Do you have than only on your DUO4k?

Edited by anudanan, 15 November 2021 - 13:17.

Receiver:2 x Uno4k SE (PLI 7.3 rel), 1 x ET9200 (PLI 4.0), NAS: 2 x QNAP 410, TV: LG 65C8llla, LG 47LB570V, LG 42LM615S, Sound: Yamaha RX-v663, Teufel System 5 THX

Re: Unicable #15 WanWizard

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Posted 15 November 2021 - 19:20

Yes. but only recently, like in the last few weeks or so. I'm running the latest develop on my boxes.


I have nothing else connected at the moment, due to a house move.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.

Re: Unicable #16 Abu Baniaz

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Posted 15 November 2021 - 22:20


The daisy chaining (connecting to previous tuner, on every tuner) in that wiki page was because of driver issues which have now been fixed. Please ignore that wiki page and use the PLI wiki page. A,B,I and J are the only tuners that can have a physical connection, this is why they are the only options you have. Also, you can only connect/associate within the same FBC unit/card/module. So, A-H can only connect to A or B. I-P can only connect to I or J.

Which driver issue of the FBC driver from VU do you mean?  Since my switch from legacy to unicablesome month ago on my uno4kse I´ve seen sometimes a little interrupt on some channels when a new timer starts and requests a new tuner. I´ve made the configuration with all tuners C-H are connected to tuner A (like PLI WIKI).

Because the config in vti uses a chain I´ve made a quickhack to NimManager.py a week ago to enable the possibility to make a tuner chain with B to A, C to B, D to C ... H to G (like vti WIKI) and now it works without problems .

I use openpli 7.3. Is inside openpli 7.3 a VU FCB driver which only works without problems, if the tuners are in a chain instead of connecting B-H to A?

It seems so. But for me the tuner chain works great.


The issue was about 5 years ago, which is no longer applicable. If you wan't to us your change workaround, suit yourself. I don't know what you gain by daisy chaining teh unicabe setup. Personally, I think if teher is an issue with thePLI implementation, a clear description of problem should be given so it can be looked at and resolved. 


Let me ask you a question, if you had a unicable device for 19.2 in socket/physical tuner A, i.e top one. You also had another unicable device pointing to 28.2 socket/physical tuner B, i.e bottom one. How would you assign 4 tuners for 19.2 and 4 for 28.2 in the VTI/daisy chaining implementation?

Re: Unicable #17 Abu Baniaz

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Posted 15 November 2021 - 22:23

@wanwizard, not many people use universal LNBs with FBC tuners. There is a user on another forum who is doing so, he has had issues. I was meant to test his setup, but I took my dishes down. He is very unclear and never tests things straight away owing to constantly recording radio/news. There might be an issue with universal LNBs and Vu FBC tuners if your problem has started since you started using universal lnbs/setup

Re: Unicable #18 WanWizard

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Posted 16 November 2021 - 00:22

My setup hasn't changed since I got the Duo 4K and it replaced my ET10000.


I have two FBC cards, which I use in Legacy mode, 3 of the inputs connected to an Inverto Triple Quad (19.2/23.5/28/2), 1 input connected directly to 28.2 via the building distribution system.


This has always worked fine, I have only noticed the last week (or so?) that the channel I'm watching sometimes freezes for a second, or started juddering, like there is some latency issue. Haven't seen it tonight btw...


If testing is needed, I will have this only for a week or so, by december I'll have moved to a Unicable II setup.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.

Re: Unicable #19 anudanan

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Posted 16 November 2021 - 06:44

Let me ask you a question, if you had a unicable device for 19.2 in socket/physical tuner A, i.e top one. You also had another unicable device pointing to 28.2 socket/physical tuner B, i.e bottom one. How would you assign 4 tuners for 19.2 and 4 for 28.2 in the VTI/daisy chaining implementation?





Then vti use twei daiy´sy chain. For example. Connecte Tuner C to A, D to C, E to D and F to B, G to F, G to H.  The main difference to the PLI config is, every tuner has only one tuner, which is connect to it and not more than one as it is in pli konfig. Maybe there ist a bug inside the vu driver for a bugfree support of more than one tuner is connected to A or B because vti only uses chains.

Edited by anudanan, 16 November 2021 - 06:45.

Receiver:2 x Uno4k SE (PLI 7.3 rel), 1 x ET9200 (PLI 4.0), NAS: 2 x QNAP 410, TV: LG 65C8llla, LG 47LB570V, LG 42LM615S, Sound: Yamaha RX-v663, Teufel System 5 THX

Re: Unicable #20 Dimitrij

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Posted 16 November 2021 - 06:59


Maybe there ist a bug inside the vu driver for a bugfree support of more than one tuner is connected to A or B because vti only uses chains.

I don't think the error was in the drivers.

Perhaps the error was in Enigma2 and it is hoped that it has been fixed.

Unicable/FBC loop through add checking the availability of multiple t…

GigaBlue UHD Quad 4K /Lunix3-4K/Duo 4K

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