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need help

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#1 hadoleprof

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Posted 3 November 2021 - 11:44

can anyone help me here

Attached Files

Re: need help #2 mimisiku

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Posted 3 November 2021 - 11:56

Nope, there is absolutely nothing usefull in this almost empty log.. Only a reference to a Wave-FHD skinwhich is not supported by OpenPli….

Met één been in het graf..... Helaas

Re: need help #3 40H3X

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Posted 3 November 2021 - 12:41

We need at least a traceback and a dmesg in de log file

Hardware: Vu+ Uno 4K SE - Vu+ Duo 4K  - Fuba 78 cm - Tripleblock LNB Quad 19.2/23.5/28.2 - DS918+
Software : OpenPLi - OSCam - Settings van Hans - Autotimer - EPGImport


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Re: need help #4 s3n0

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Posted 4 November 2021 - 17:45

can anyone help me here


As colleagues wrote before, unfortunately, this crash-log file is half empty. Unfortunately, there is nothing after the dmesg command. Empty space only. There should be an report from the dmesg command.


You can send the file "/var/log/messages" or "/var/volatile/log/messages" instead, but you must do so immediately after the Enigma2 crash (a few minutes after the Enigma2 crash, you can't wait long time) ! Copy the file from the device to the PC and then paste it as an attachment here for discussion.


If you could cause this crash problem as yourself, then it would be appropriate to create a debug-log file. To do this, connect via terminal (PuTTy app) to your Linux receiver via telnet or SSH protocol, and then, in Linux-Shell, use the following commands:

init 4; sleep 5      # stop the Enigma2 + wait 5 seconds
killall -9 enigma2   # force termination of the enigma2 process, in case if it is still frozen
ENIGMA_DEBUG_LVL=4 enigma2 > /tmp/e2debug.log 2>&1

When Enigma2 starts, try to crash it, and if it "succeeds", so then insert the created debug-log (/tmp/e2debug.log) into the discussion.


To interrupt / cancel the Enigma2 in the linux-shell, press CTRL + C on your keyboard (terminal). Then wait a few seconds and run your Enigma2 in the standard way - as run-level 3:

init 3               # start the Enigma2

Edited by s3n0, 4 November 2021 - 17:52.

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