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Questions regarding satellites.xml, blindscan, and lyngsat parser

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#1 Internaut

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Posted 10 January 2022 - 13:36

I maintain my personal satellites.xml list of satellites and transponders (custom at /etc/enigma2/satellites.xml), as this is what I am used to from my non-Engima2 receiver.


So I wanted to know what are the possible (or recommended) ways to use satellites.xml.



1. What is recommended/possible with editing satellites.xml from PC?


Currently I edit satellites.xml from PC (with text-editor or XML-editor) and then reboot enigma. 


Can I somehow reload the satellites.xml? UI plugin, or some command via telnet, or some HTTP/Web-command, or something other?


Are there any PC-tools for editing satellites.xml?




2. Can I edit transponders in satellites.xml directly on the Box?


Is there any way with the UI on the box (e.g. plugin) to add/remove/change transponders in satellites.xml?




3. Adding transponders from blindscan to satellites.xml


How can I add transponders from blindscan to satellites.xml?




4. Lyngsat parser


There exists a Lyngsat parser, and I wanted to know:

Is the Lyngsat parser open-source, and if so where can I find it?



All the best!

Current DVB-S: GigaBlue UE 4k (2xFBC + 2xMS), Octagon SF8008 Twin (2xMS), SF8008m Combo (1xMS + 1xDVB-T/C), OpenBox SX4 HD (1xDVB-S2)

History DVB-S: DM800HDse, VU+ Solo, OpenBox X820CI, DBox1 (DVB98)

Re: Questions regarding satellites.xml, blindscan, and lyngsat parser #2 el bandido

  • Senior Member
  • 392 posts


Posted 10 January 2022 - 18:16

(1) Look on the internet for enigma2 channel editors. There are plenty to choose from such as dreamboxedit.

(2) Installing ts-sateditor plugin from feeds will allow the editing of satellite transponders in the receiver.

(3) Transponders that are found in a blindscan are saved to a file in /tmp directory of receiver files. Easy enough to copy and paste what is found into the satellites.xml file.

(4) I do not have any information on a Lyngsat parser, but also see no reason to need it as the satellites.xml file is updated regularly. To each his own for this one.

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