Ok I just checked and other images handle the deepstandby like this on HdmiCec.py:
def deepstandby(self):
import NavigationInstance
now = time()
recording = NavigationInstance.instance.getRecordingsCheckBeforeActivateDeepStandby()
rectimer = abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextRecordingTime() - now) <= 900 or NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getStillRecording() or abs(NavigationInstance.instance.RecordTimer.getNextZapTime() - now) <= 900
pwrtimer = abs(NavigationInstance.instance.PowerTimer.getNextPowerManagerTime() - now) <= 900 or NavigationInstance.instance.PowerTimer.isProcessing(exceptTimer=0) or not NavigationInstance.instance.PowerTimer.isAutoDeepstandbyEnabled()
if recording or rectimer or pwrtimer:
self.CECwritedebug('[HdmiCec] go not into deepstandby... recording=%s, rectimer=%s, pwrtimer=%s' % (recording, rectimer, pwrtimer), True)
from Screens.InfoBar import InfoBar
if InfoBar and InfoBar.instance:
self.CECwritedebug('[HdmiCec] go into deepstandby...', True)
InfoBar.instance.openInfoBarSession(Screens.Standby.TryQuitMainloop, 1)
So I didn't follow all the python code but looks like there is some sort of recording validations and handling that just analyzing this code part I read that if a recording is happening at the moment just does a normal standby instead a deapstandby.
I can leave with this and looks a smart decision.
Just tried to this implementation myself bur some other things need to be changed for sure as the plugin itself to handle new options on GUI.
If anyone can help on this It will be fantastic !!!
Edited by JamesBond, 6 February 2022 - 14:57.