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Cloning repositry fails

Cloning Repositry

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#1 JWestman

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Posted 20 September 2022 - 13:44


I am trying to Clone old repositry as described i information for developers.

Initial clone works, but when I try do get either version 4 or 6.0 by doing

cd openpli-oe-core
 git checkout release-4
 git submodule update --init --recursive

It fails on the submodule update, I get fatal error:

fatal: unable to connect to github.com:

github.com[0:]: error connection timelimit exired


fails to clone "git://github.com/E2OpenPlugins/e2openplugins.git" to submodulepath "/home/xxxx/openpli-oe-core/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/e2openplugins/


I tried yesterday and today thinking it was an temporary problem.


Are they simply to old? Having an issue with PiP on OpenPli 4 so would like to check the source code for the PiP plugin.


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Re: Cloning repositry fails #2 WanWizard

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Posted 20 September 2022 - 14:47

The problem herre is the use of the "git://" protocol, which runs over ssh. Github does not allow anonymous ssh connections anymore.


To fix this, change all git:// to https:// in .submodules, before you do an init.


The same problem is true for all SRC_URI's, which can be fixed with a hack in ./bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/git.py:



        if not ud.proto in ('git', 'file', 'ssh', 'http', 'https', 'rsync'):
            raise bb.fetch2.ParameterError("Invalid protocol type", ud.url)

and change it to

        if ud.host == "github.com" and ud.proto == "git":
            ud.proto = "https"

        if not ud.proto in ('git', 'file', 'ssh', 'http', 'https', 'rsync'):
            raise bb.fetch2.ParameterError("Invalid protocol type", ud.url)


Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: Cloning repositry fails #3 JWestman

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Posted 21 September 2022 - 13:56

Thanks for the help, it looks like I get most of the files down when changing in the file ".gitmodules"

Got an error or meta-vuplus, "The remote end hung up unexpectedly"

I will try again removing machines I don't need.


Best Regards


Jörgen Westman

Re: Cloning repositry fails #4 JWestman

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Posted 21 September 2022 - 14:37

It is actually meta-xp that fails, looks like I am unable to remove it to get the clone to do the reset.

Has edited config i .git and also .gitmodules.


Best Regards


Jörgen Westman

Re: Cloning repositry fails #5 WanWizard

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Posted 21 September 2022 - 14:53

Perhaps it has been moved in the meantime?


The current definition is:

[submodule "meta-xp"]
	path = meta-xp
	url = https://github.com/hd-digital/meta-xp


Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: Cloning repositry fails #6 JWestman

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Posted 22 September 2022 - 16:20

I checked where meta-xp exist and it is in XP-Master as far as I can see.


This is the failure I get in swedish:


Undermodulen "meta-xp" (https://github.com/X...ter/meta-xp.git) registrerad för sökvägen "meta-xp"
fatal: fjärrfel: upload-pack: not our ref dc30375655b0f1bcf68bb7c7d4a4b0e75563c06f
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
Hämtade i undermodulssökvägen "meta-xp", men den innehöll inte dc30375655b0f1bcf68bb7c7d4a4b0e75563c06f. Direkt hämtning av incheckningen misslyckades.


So the ref in the index file does not match the ref for the package.


I then tried to list the ref by git ls-remote https://github.com/X...ter/meta-xp,git


I got:


860b8cda025305cf1f95b6d0fd3bf51fd90faf98    HEAD
860b8cda025305cf1f95b6d0fd3bf51fd90faf98    refs/heads/master
1990e50ae629762a2b930f97355f7e8ab1055db2    refs/pull/1/head
4584c2f3522fa3cb52468d2e543efa3073828da0    refs/pull/10/head
109527879f469719328f8d4d9c7df5b2cd61638a    refs/pull/11/head
9c26f1de60657d4f8b1b390ce6ba33153af9f7cc    refs/pull/12/head
a539f2c9f0c269b43551642c325ba9a4af94f4fa    refs/pull/13/head
f70aec671d88a3c525f5c26720c3d808f70b4857    refs/pull/14/head
a8a32a2a6f01e4805d25621d2584d0e0701ccd70    refs/pull/2/head
5906cc0dba972357109fb023d454a17981c6d9d0    refs/pull/3/head
86c20cc81234edd498e1edfbbcd07e68631fd2b4    refs/pull/3/merge
f3c835d821ff8c9df626bb80fc7d1cbaaf152c76    refs/pull/4/head
0fef4c08625dd78ef811af2418d11b30ba3f4191    refs/pull/5/head
6c53d7173d24befd68265f55331c17666dc862a3    refs/pull/5/merge
e2096a04ca54b070d3d92e37bb306ae90f055ccb    refs/pull/6/head
57836024c5573d346a5f71c75a5b8b4da55194ac    refs/pull/7/head
08fc5ce30889b9b5f45ad96317ee255f6f0a3437    refs/pull/9/head

I put what is for the HEAD in the index file for xp-meta, but it does not accept that either,


I give up for today.

Re: Cloning repositry fails #7 WanWizard

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Posted 22 September 2022 - 16:45

fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly

is a network disconnect.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: Cloning repositry fails #8 JWestman

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Posted 25 September 2022 - 11:13



I removed meta-xp from the index so that I could get the rest of the files downloaded.


I then did the change you suggested in git.py so that build will work.


Started make (meta-xp removed from the Makefile), but it fails for me, this is the first error:


Building image for dm7020hd
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/x/openpli-oe-core/bitbake/bin/bitbake", line 34, in <module>
    import bb
  File "/home/x/openpli-oe-core/bitbake/lib/bb/__init__.py", line 77, in <module>
    from bb import fetch2 as fetch
  File "/home/x/openpli-oe-core/bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/__init__.py", line 1568, in <module>
    from . import wget
  File "/home/x/openpli-oe-core/bitbake/lib/bb/fetch2/wget.py", line 40, in <module>
    from   bs4 import BeautifulSoup
  File "/home/x/openpli-oe-core/bitbake/lib/bs4/__init__.py", line 30, in <module>
    from .builder import builder_registry, ParserRejectedMarkup
  File "/home/x/openpli-oe-core/bitbake/lib/bs4/builder/__init__.py", line 311, in <module>
    from . import _html5lib
  File "/home/x/openpli-oe-core/bitbake/lib/bs4/builder/_html5lib.py", line 57, in <module>
    class TreeBuilderForHtml5lib(html5lib.treebuilders._base.TreeBuilder):
AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute '_base'

Is there something else missig? If to difficult to fix I will just give up on this.


Best Regards



Re: Cloning repositry fails #9 WanWizard

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Posted 25 September 2022 - 12:36

You seem to have bumped into https://bugs.launchp...up/ bug/1603299

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: Cloning repositry fails #10 JWestman

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Posted 25 September 2022 - 15:13

Thanks for quick response, now I know what to look for, did a quick test by just copying the _html5lib.py that is installed on my linux PC to bitbake, looks to work, still need to confirm that all is fetched correctly.

Also looks like I need an account on github, I get prompted Username for 'https://github.com':


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Re: Cloning repositry fails #11 WanWizard

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Posted 25 September 2022 - 17:34

https://github.com read access is public, for git://github.com you need an account.


So as long as you are not trying to push changes, an acount should not be needed to build. Our buildservers don't have one either.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

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Re: Cloning repositry fails #12 JWestman

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 08:20



As always thanks for helping out, so I have a strange problem, as far as I know I am not pushing anything, I have only changed what I mentioned before with the _html5lib.py


This is what I see at the end when I build, initially in swedish so I have translated:


  Must recreate target ”init”.
  Created target file ”init”.
 Ended requirements for target file ”image”.
Must recreate target ”image”.
Loading child process 0x6eb2c0 (image) PID 3071 on the chain.
Living child process 0x6eb2c0 (image) PID 3071
Building image for dm7020hd
Harvest successful child  process: 0x6eb2c0 PID 3071
Living child process 0x6eb2c0 (image) PID 3072
Loading cache: 100% |###########################################| ETA:  00:00:00
Loaded 134 entries from dependency cache.
Username for 'https://github.com': Username for 'https://github.com':   --:--:--

It stops right there and prompt for username


Best Regards



Re: Cloning repositry fails #13 WanWizard

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 11:07

Ah, this is when building the image?


I've never seen this, but then again, I have ssh key access to github, so it would never prompt on my laptop.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

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Re: Cloning repositry fails #14 JWestman

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 12:52

Thanks, I get an account. There is no way building an image will try to push anything I hope.


Best Regards



Re: Cloning repositry fails #15 WanWizard

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 12:54

Still weird, I have no idea where this prompt comes from, or why it would want to authenticate with github. There is nothing in the build that requires write access to github.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.

Re: Cloning repositry fails #16 JWestman

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 14:22

Well once I got registered there is more information:


Building image for dm7020hd
Loading cache: 100% |###########################################| ETA:  00:00:00
Loaded 134 entries from dependency cache.
Username for 'https://github.com': Username for 'https://github.com': Password for 'https://WestmanJ@github.com': Password for 'https://WestmanJ@github.com':
ERROR: ExpansionError during parsing /home/x/openpli-oe-core/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/enigma2-channelsettings/enigma2-plugin-settings-hans-9e-13e-19e-23e-28e.bb: Failure expanding variable SRCPV, expression was ${@bb.fetch2.get_srcrev(d)} which triggered exception FetchError: Fetcher failure: Fetch command failed with exit code 128, output:
remote: Repository unavailable due to DMCA takedown.
remote: See the takedown notice for more details:
remote:   https://github.com/g...-06-06-corus.md.
fatal: unable to access 'https://github.com/h...nsSettings.git/': The requested URL returned error: 403

WARNING: Unable to get checksum for kernel-params SRC_URI entry sysctl.conf: file could not be found

So the channelsettings has been removed.


Best Regards



Re: Cloning repositry fails #17 WanWizard

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 14:27

That repo no longer exists, it was removed by Github.




you'll probably bump into more if these issues.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.

Re: Cloning repositry fails #18 JWestman

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 14:42

Thanks again, and yes I do, some of them I think I just can remove from the build.


Best Regards



Re: Cloning repositry fails #19 JWestman

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 15:40

Next one is for GStreamer, DreamDVD libdvdnav, libdvdread in Multimedia and dvdmediasink in xsarius

They all need the file git-project.bbclass in Classes.


Also in Multimedia libgsm need libgsm.inc

More to come I guess


Best Regards



Re: Cloning repositry fails #20 JWestman

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Posted 26 September 2022 - 16:00

Finally I get to this:


Building image for dm7020hd
Loading cache: 100% |########################################################################################| ETA:  00:00:00
Loaded 2521 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% |######################################################################################| Time: 00:00:08
Parsing of 2061 .bb files complete (2033 cached, 28 parsed). 2549 targets, 278 skipped, 0 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
ERROR: Nothing RPROVIDES 'modutils-loadscript' (but /home/x/openpli-oe-core/meta-openpli/recipes-openpli/images/openpli-enigma2-image.bb RDEPENDS on or otherwise requires it)
NOTE: Runtime target 'modutils-loadscript' is unbuildable, removing...
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['modutils-loadscript']
ERROR: Required build target 'openpli-enigma2-image' has no buildable providers.
Missing or unbuildable dependency chain was: ['openpli-enigma2-image', 'modutils-loadscript']

Summary: There were 2 ERROR messages shown, returning a non-zero exit code.
Makefile:90: recipe for target 'image' failed
make: *** [image] Error 1

Other file missing is schwerkraft-git.bbclass I can see that it has been removed from github.


I do some more tomorrow


Best Regards



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