I try to build oscam in Duo4k on openpli 8.3.
After sending ./s3 menu, i have these errors.
/s3$ ./s3 menu
/ _____/\_____ \ ===============
\_____ \ _(__ < [1;37m Ver. 311[1;32m -NEXT-[1;36m
/ \ / \ ===============
/_______ //______ / [1;33m by gorgone[1;35m 2020[1;36m
\/ \/ ===============
[1;37m CHECK for binaries
[1;31m need [1;37mdialog [1;31m(not found)
[1;37m have [1;32mgrep [1;33m/bin/grep
[1;31m need [1;37mgawk [1;31m(not found)
[1;37m have [1;32mwget [1;33m/usr/bin/wget
[1;37m have [1;32mtar [1;33m/bin/tar
[1;37m have [1;32mbzip2 [1;33m/usr/bin/bzip2
[1;31m need [1;37msvn [1;31m(not found)
[1;37m have [1;32mxz [1;33m/usr/bin/xz
[1;31m need [1;37mupx [1;31m(not found)
[1;37m have [1;32mpatch [1;33m/usr/bin/patch
[1;31m need [1;37mgcc [1;31m(not found)
[1;31m need [1;37mmake [1;31m(not found)
[1;37m have [1;32mscp [1;33m/usr/bin/scp
[1;31m need [1;37msshpass [1;31m(not found)
[1;31m need [1;37mopenssl [1;31m(not found)
[1;37m have [1;32mdos2unix [1;33m/usr/bin/dos2unix
[1;37m CHECK for headers
[1;31m need [1;37mcrypto.h [1;31m (not found)
[1;31m need [1;37mlibusb.h [1;31m (not found)
[1;31m need [1;37mpcsclite.h [1;31m (not found)
[1;31m need [1;37mpthread.h [1;31m (not found)
[1;37m CHECK for libraries
[1;31m need [1;37mlibccidtwin.so [1;31m (not found)
[1;37m Selected installer: [1;35munknown
[1;31m Needs manual installation.
sanity fail
/ _____/\_____ \ ===============
\_____ \ _(__ < [1;37m Ver. 311[1;32m -NEXT-[1;36m
/ \ / \ ===============
/_______ //______ / [1;33m by gorgone[1;35m 2020[1;36m
\/ \/ ===============
Any ideas ?