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Based on guess that you want to use openwebif bouquet editor to create your bouquets, please follow instructions below.
Open Openwebif bouquet editor then
1. Click on "Add bouquet"
01 Add boquet.png 5.47KB 0 downloads
2. Give your bouquet a name. In this example, I have called it "Piplan news (samachar, not naya)"
02. Give bouquet a name.png 8.64KB 0 downloads
3. Click on satellite, then select the satellite which has the channel you want to add
03. select satellite.png 13.74KB 0 downloads
4. Select the bouquet you had created before/the one you want to add to.
04 select bouquet.png 6.19KB 0 downloads
5. Select the channel you want to add to the bouquet. Then press "add selection to bouquet".
05 select and add.png 23.61KB 0 downloads
6. The channels you add will be shown in the bouquet
06 chanenls added to bouquet.png 9.04KB 0 downloads
7. Click on reload.
07 reload.png 3.21KB 0 downloads
Edited by Abu Baniaz, 4 January 2023 - 16:06.