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Vu+ Duo4K SE - ne boot pas sur USB

Duo4K Flash

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#1 Lodu971

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Posted 11 February 2023 - 19:01

Bonjour à tous

Mon dernier passage sur ce forum date de 2017 (!) tellement je passais des soirées TV heureuses :wub: avec mon ancien Vu+ Ultimo qui a rendu l'âme la semaine dernière. :(


Me voici avec un Vu+ Dou4K SE tout neuf et... je n'arrive pas à le flasher à partie d'une clé USB formatée FAT32 sur laquelle j'ai dézippé l'image OpenPLI-8.3 trouvée sur ce site.


Lorsque je reboot avec l'interrupteur physique, la clé usb clignote (j'ai vérifié, elle est bien reconnu par le système + dossier "vuplus" bien lu à la racine) mais le flashage n'est pas proposé et après un instant l'appareil démarre sur l'image Vu+ installée usine.
D'ailleurs cette dernière porte le nom bizarre de "Expérimentale 2021-02-24"... :mellow: (voir photo jointe)


Une idée pour me permettre de réussir à flasher ?


Hello to all

My last visit to this forum was in 2017 (!) so I was spending happy TV evenings :wub:  with my old Vu+ Ultimo which gave up the ghost last week.  :(
Here I am with a brand new Vu+ Duo4K SE and... I can't flash it from a FAT32 formatted USB key on which I unzipped the OpenPLI-8.3 image found on this site.
When I reboot with the physical switch, the usb key flashes (I checked, it is well recognized by the system + "vuplus" folder well read at the root) but the flashing is not proposed and after a moment the device starts on the Vu+ factory installed image.
By the way, the latter has the strange name of "Experimental 2021-02-24"... :huh:  (see attached picture)
Any idea how I can flash it?

Attached Files

Edited by Frenske, 12 February 2023 - 10:34.
I added the English translation. Try DeepL.Com instead of Google.

Vu+ Duo4K SE - OpenPLI 8.3-release (enfin j'essaie ! ^^)

Re: Vu+ Duo4K SE - ne boot pas sur USB #2 mimisiku

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Posted 11 February 2023 - 21:43

First, this is an english part of the forum..


Download the correct version for your box and unzip directly to your USB drive.

Check that your USB stick contains the directory /vuplus/duo4kse.

Insert USB stick into the box, power it on. The display reports ‘Update…?’ Or something alike

Press power on the box! Flashing should start..

Met één been in het graf..... Helaas

Re: Vu+ Duo4K SE - ne boot pas sur USB #3 Lodu971

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Posted 11 February 2023 - 23:54

First, this is an english part of the forum..


Download the correct version for your box and unzip directly to your USB drive.

Check that your USB stick contains the directory /vuplus/duo4kse.

Insert USB stick into the box, power it on. The display reports ‘Update…?’ Or something alike

Press power on the box! Flashing should start..

Good evening
Sorry the automatic translation of my browser was activated and suddenly I had not seen that this section of the forum was in English.
Thanks for answering me anyway. :thumbs-up:
And yes, I didn't have the right version of the image: I had that of "Vu+-Duo4K" instead of "Vu+-Duo4KSE".
(little shame)...  :rolleyes:
Thanks again !

Edited by Lodu971, 11 February 2023 - 23:56.

Vu+ Duo4K SE - OpenPLI 8.3-release (enfin j'essaie ! ^^)

Re: Vu+ Duo4K SE - ne boot pas sur USB #4 Pr2

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Posted 14 February 2023 - 11:17

You need to press the power button on the left of to start the flash otherwise it won't flash the box. Look at the front LCD panel when it detect that an image press the touch button to confirm that you want to flash it.

Edited by Pr2, 14 February 2023 - 11:19.

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VU+ Solo 4K: 2*DVB-S2 + 2*DVB-C/T/T2 (used in DVB-C) & Duo 4K: 2*DVB-S2X + DVB-C (FBC)

AB-Com: PULSe 4K 1*DVB-S2X (+ DVB-C/T/T2)
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Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: Duo4K, Flash

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