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VU+ Solo2 - openpli 8.3... iptv options available?

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#1 T_I

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Posted 28 February 2023 - 14:43



I've dusted off my Solo2 and fitted it with OpenPli 8.3. Is has a few extentions on it, mainly the media player as I use(d) it as media player. At the moment I have 57 MB free of an 194.8M filesystem on root (ubi0:rootfs). When I remember correctly that's from flash memory.

I tried to install kodi to see if that's an option, but during install my root fills up, so it's to big. Should it fit when no other extentions are available or doesn't it have a chance what so ever to fit in this small rootfs?


When it won't fit, what are my options, apart from replacing the receiver for a newer one that support OpenPli and Kodi?


  • Is it possible to move root to a partition of my disk (200 GB) to create room for Kodi?
  • Is it possible to let an RPi decode/transcode the iptv stream and stream it 'light weight' to the Solo2?
  • Something else?


I know it's an oldy, but it still work. (hasn't been used for something else then media player for years)

Jan Huijsmans
VU+ Solo2 + 2 TB netwerk storage, Palm SG-2100A (73E - 58W), Triax 78cm schotel + MTI AP82-XT2N

Re: VU+ Solo2 - openpli 8.3... iptv options available? #2 rantanplan

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Posted 28 February 2023 - 15:53

It seems you forgot to install a disk and mount it correctly to hdd.
Therefore, the internal memory fills up.

Otherwise it works with your Solo2, slowly, but it works

Re: VU+ Solo2 - openpli 8.3... iptv options available? #3 Aliraza63

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Posted 1 March 2023 - 06:57

Properly mount the hdd ( if its installed) 

after that download flash expander from feed to expand its flash memory . 

 DM-900 ,DM-520, Vu+Duo2

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