Too funny, yea, i had already tracked back to the before reading this. in I found the following :
self["Event_Now"] = EventInfo(session.nav, EventInfo.NOW)
self["Event_Next"] = EventInfo(session.nav, EventInfo.NEXT)
I utilized grep to see that is the ONLY place the self["Event_Now"] is utilized / set.
I had already deciphered, and modified the scripts within the EventInfo call to be able to modify the Epg information. But, like i mentioned before, i am attempting to invoke a manual update of those two variables. Event_Now and Event_Next
As a test, and i thought it would be neat if i could invoke an update of those two variables through the webAPI.
I attempted to utilize the same code above in an api call to get the following error : Object does not support item assignment error
I then attempted the following : (comment # was what i had before that yielded the Assignment Error)
I then attempted to use the setattr and that ran without error, but did NOT update the EPG info. So, i don't believe the setattr is yielding the results i need.
ei = EventInfo(self.session.nav, EventInfo.NOW)
#self["Event_Now"] = EventInfo(self.session.nav, EventInfo.NOW)
I have been a programmer for 30+ years, however, I am not Python savy, so, that makes it more difficult for me. Any thoughts on how i would go about being able to set the self["Event_Now"] outside of the
I was hoping to be able to update just those two variables, without having to re-invoke the whole sessionglobals as to not run processes that were not necessary. But, i will in the meantime see if i can at least get an entire sessions globals update.
Thanks by the way...
Edited by LoveMyDish, 19 March 2023 - 17:18.