There is also nothing in our code like usable characters. It here simply give as type that the input should be a NUMBER... So where does it go wrong?
def changeDuration(self, entry): if entry is not None and entry >= 0: self.selectedEntry = entry self.session.openWithCallback(self.inputCallback, InputBox, title=_("How many minutes do you want to record?"), text="5", maxSize=False, type=Input.NUMBER) def addRecordingTime(self, entry): if entry is not None and entry >= 0: self.selectedEntry = entry self.session.openWithCallback(self.inputAddRecordingTime, InputBox, title=_("How many minutes do you want add to the recording?"), text="5", maxSize=False, type=Input.NUMBER)
Edited by littlesat, 23 August 2023 - 13:00.