The Enhanced Movie Center (EMC) is a feature rich plugin but is difficult to maintain. It would be nice and much easier to maintain to extend the already very nice openPLi movie list.
Here are some features I use every day:
Folder info:
An info about how many movies are in the folder (incl. subfoldera) plus how much space they occupy. There are options: number only, number/space, space only, none. Example: (10 / 52 GB) for 10 movies occupying 52 GB of space. This information could substitute the "Verzeichnis" and "Papierkorb".
Record title and short info in one line:
A even more compact view but allows more entries on one page.
Alphabetical sort includes the short description:
Very useful for folders containing for example many recordings of a docu series.
Multiple selection of recordings:
Select multiple entries for move/delete/copy/watch/shuffle watch etc.
Random/shuffled playback option for all recordings in a folder or selection.
Keys to jump for example +5 or -5 list entries.
Option to disable the mini TV but use the freed space to show more details of the selected recording.
Wasted space for folders in the list:
Show folders in the list as a single line even when recordings have two lines.
Playlist management would be nice.
Add/delete movies to/from a playlist.
Play the playlist "top down" or in random order.
Otions to reduce font size and reduce width of left column (smaller mini TV and details column) to gain more space for the list of recordings. I altered the standard EMC skin for that. Especially if you have name and short description in one line.
These are a few features that come to mind first at the moment.
Edited by Qu@rk, 18 November 2023 - 14:45.