I have EDISION OS MIO+4K, rotor, Fracarro penta... I receive SAT form 80°E to 45°W. I have OPENPLI 8.3., OPENPLI NIghtly build and OPENPLI 7.3 in multiboot.
If I use OPENPLI 8.3. or OPENPLI NIghtly build and I watch a channel with high SR 30000 and above when I turn OFF the receiver and after 20 minutes turn it ON again I have no signal on all channels, satellites. I have to reboot the receiver and ten it works OK. The same thing is if I use YouTube, mulistalker, when I go back to channel with high SR, there is no signal. Channels wit SR less than 30000 are always working OK. OPENPLI 7.3 doesn't have this problem. (On OPENPLI 7.3 programs T2 MI on 33°E don't work.)
Any solution?
I also have DM920 tripple tuner MS on sepparate SAT system (penta + rotor) with OPENPLI NIghtly build and it works OK.