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EPG on TravelXP 4K SID 4603 (11fb) on 13E and others

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#1 420f00f3

  • Senior Member
  • 49 posts


Posted 14 February 2024 - 12:08

On DVB-T/T2 the EPG just works and shows for all the channels 7 days.

On DVB-C as well, but for DVB-S/S2 on my E2 it's a bit of a challenge.

Some channels show EPG and some don't ... :(


I have the following set in the EPG Settings:


Show EIT now/next in infobar - [Tick]
Enable EIT EPG  - [Tick]
Enable MHW EPG  - [Tick]
Enable freesat EPG  - [Tick]
Enable ViaSat EPG  - [Tick]
Enable Netmed EPG  - [Tick]
Enable Virgin EPG  - [ ]
Enable OpenTV EPG  - [Tick]
Maintain old EPG data for - 120
Location EPG Cache file -  /media/e8c68464/epg.dat
Full description separator - new line
Replace newlines in EPG - *

What am I doing wrong?

Vu+ Duo4K SE with 45308X FBC and BCM3466 running OpenPLi 8.3-release (2023-06-25-release-8.3)
Vu+ Ultimo4K with BCM3148, 45208 FBC and TT3L10 running OpenPLi 8.3-release (2023-06-25-release-8.3)

Re: EPG on TravelXP 4K SID 4603 (11fb) on 13E and others #2 WanWizard

  • PLi® Core member
  • 70,817 posts


Posted 14 February 2024 - 12:20



There are two sets of programme data, one called now/next, which is always broadcasted in EIT, and the full EPG, which can either be broadcasted in EIT or in a proprietary format. EIT is the DVB standard.


Depending on the format used, not all transponders broadcast EPG.


OpenTV for example (used by SKY UK, SKY IT) broadcasts its EPG only on one transponder, which you specifically need to tune to be able to receive it. A SKY box does that after you put it into standby, or when you switch it on and there is no EPG loaded at all.


Any specific S2 channels or providers you refer to?

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.

Re: EPG on TravelXP 4K SID 4603 (11fb) on 13E and others #3 420f00f3

  • Senior Member
  • 49 posts


Posted 14 February 2024 - 13:11

Yes, "TravelXP 4K" SID 4603 (11fb) on 13E


There is not even Now/Next data :(



I see, just looking at the TS and no EIT

tsanalyze --ts-analysis --service-analysis --pid-analysis --table-analysis -w TRAVELXP-4K.ts

|  TRANSPORT STREAM ANALYSIS REPORT                                                          |
|  Transport Stream Id: ............. 11100 (0x2B5C)  |  Services: ...................... 4  |
|  Bytes: ............................... 49,972,468  |  PID's: Total: ................. 16  |
|  TS packets: ............................. 265,811  |         Clear: ................. 16  |
|     With invalid sync: ......................... 0  |         Scrambled: .............. 0  |
|     With transport error: ...................... 0  |         With PCR's: ............. 1  |
|     Suspect and ignored: ....................... 0  |         Unreferenced: ........... 0  |
|  Transport stream bitrate, based on ...................... 188 bytes/pkt    204 bytes/pkt  |
|  User-specified: .................................................. None             None  |
|  Estimated based on PCR's: .............................. 16,449,063 b/s   17,848,983 b/s  |
|  Broadcast time: .................................................. 24 sec (0 min 24 sec)  |
|  First TDT UTC time stamp: .......................................... 2024/02/12 11:27:37  |
|  Last TDT UTC time stamp: ........................................... 2024/02/12 11:27:37  |
|  First TOT local time stamp: .................................................... Unknown  |
|  Last TOT local time stamp: ..................................................... Unknown  |
|  TOT country code: .............................................................  Unknown  |
|  Srv Id           Service Name                                    Access          Bitrate  |
|  0x11FA   (4602)  (unknown) .......................................... C          Unknown  |
|  0x11FB   (4603)  (unknown) .......................................... C   16,445,783 b/s  |
|  0x11FC   (4604)  (unknown) .......................................... C          Unknown  |
|  0x11FD   (4605)  (unknown) .......................................... C          Unknown  |
|                                                                                            |
|  Note 1: C=Clear, S=Scrambled                                                              |
|  Note 2: Unless specified otherwise, bitrates are based on 188 bytes/pkt                   |

|  SERVICES ANALYSIS REPORT                                                                  |
|  Global PID's                                                                              |
|  TS packets: 53, PID's: 2 (clear: 2, scrambled: 0)                                         |
|  PID             Usage                                            Access          Bitrate  |
|  Total           Global PID's ........................................ C        3,279 b/s  |
|  Subtotal        Global PSI/SI PID's (0x00-0x1F) ..................... C        3,279 b/s  |
|  0x0000     (0)  PAT ................................................. C        3,156 b/s  |
|  0x0014    (20)  TDT/TOT ............................................. C          123 b/s  |
|  Service: 0x11FA (4602), TS: 0x2B5C (11100), Original Netw: 0x0000 (0)                     |
|  Service name: (unknown), provider: (unknown)                                              |
|  Service type: 0x00 (Undefined)                                                            |
|  TS packets: 0, PID's: 1 (clear: 1, scrambled: 0)                                          |
|  PMT PID: 0x0164 (356), PCR PID: None                                                      |
|  PID             Usage                                            Access          Bitrate  |
|  Total           Undefined ........................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x0164   (356)  PMT ................................................. C            0 b/s  |
|                  (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared)                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603), TS: 0x2B5C (11100), Original Netw: 0x0000 (0)                     |
|  Service name: (unknown), provider: (unknown)                                              |
|  Service type: 0x00 (Undefined)                                                            |
|  TS packets: 265,758, PID's: 22 (clear: 22, scrambled: 0)                                  |
|  PMT PID: 0x01C8 (456), PCR PID: 0x01C9 (457)                                              |
|  PID             Usage                                            Access          Bitrate  |
|  Total           Undefined ........................................... C   16,445,783 b/s  |
|  0x0105   (261)  Nagravision ECM ..................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x0106   (262)  Nagravision ECM ..................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x0107   (263)  Irdeto ECM .......................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x0108   (264)  Nagravision ECM ..................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x0109   (265)  Nagravision ECM ..................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x010A   (266)  Nagravision ECM ..................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x010B   (267)  Nagravision ECM ..................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x01C8   (456)  PMT ................................................. C        9,468 b/s  |
|  0x01C9   (457)  HEVC video (3840x2160, main 10 profile, level 5.1, 4  C   15,001,320 b/s  |
|  0x01CA   (458)  HE-AAC Audio (eng, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      144,805 b/s  |
|  0x01CB   (459)  HE-AAC Audio (cze, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      144,557 b/s  |
|  0x01CC   (460)  Viaccess ECM, 334368 (0x051A20) ..................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x01D1   (465)  Subtitles (srp, DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio) ... C       74,259 b/s  |
|  0x01D2   (466)  Subtitles (hrv, DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio) ... C       73,825 b/s  |
|  0x01D3   (467)  Subtitles (slv, DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio) ... C      122,032 b/s  |
|  0x01D4   (468)  Subtitles (bul, DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio) ... C       69,803 b/s  |
|  0x01D5   (469)  HE-AAC Audio (ger, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      144,867 b/s  |
|  0x01D6   (470)  HE-AAC Audio (hun, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      145,176 b/s  |
|  0x01D7   (471)  HE-AAC Audio (fre, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      144,495 b/s  |
|  0x01D8   (472)  HE-AAC Audio (rus, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      144,433 b/s  |
|  0x01D9   (473)  Subtitles (por, DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio) ... C       82,180 b/s  |
|  0x01DA   (474)  HE-AAC Audio (pol, Audio layer 0, dual channel) ..... C      144,557 b/s  |
|                  (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared)                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FC (4604), TS: 0x2B5C (11100), Original Netw: 0x0000 (0)                     |
|  Service name: (unknown), provider: (unknown)                                              |
|  Service type: 0x00 (Undefined)                                                            |
|  TS packets: 0, PID's: 1 (clear: 1, scrambled: 0)                                          |
|  PMT PID: 0x1798 (6040), PCR PID: None                                                     |
|  PID             Usage                                            Access          Bitrate  |
|  Total           Undefined ........................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x1798  (6040)  PMT ................................................. C            0 b/s  |
|                  (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared)                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FD (4605), TS: 0x2B5C (11100), Original Netw: 0x0000 (0)                     |
|  Service name: (unknown), provider: (unknown)                                              |
|  Service type: 0x00 (Undefined)                                                            |
|  TS packets: 0, PID's: 1 (clear: 1, scrambled: 0)                                          |
|  PMT PID: 0x17A2 (6050), PCR PID: None                                                     |
|  PID             Usage                                            Access          Bitrate  |
|  Total           Undefined ........................................... C            0 b/s  |
|  0x17A2  (6050)  PMT ................................................. C            0 b/s  |
|                  (C=Clear, S=Scrambled, +=Shared)                                          |

|  PIDS ANALYSIS REPORT                                                                      |
|  PID: 0x0000 (0)                                                                      PAT  |
|  Global PID                     Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: .......... 3,156 b/s  Packets: ................. 51  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................. 0  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  Sections:                   |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Unit start: ........... 51  |
|  PID: 0x0014 (20)                                                                 TDT/TOT  |
|  Global PID                     Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ............ 123 b/s  Packets: .................. 2  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................. 0  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  Sections:                   |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Unit start: ............ 2  |
|  PID: 0x01C8 (456)                                                                    PMT  |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: .......... 9,468 b/s  Packets: ................ 153  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................. 0  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  Sections:                   |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Unit start: ........... 51  |
|  PID: 0x01C9 (457)                                                             HEVC video  |
|  PES stream id: 0xE0 (Video 0)                                                             |
|  3840x2160, main 10 profile, level 5.1, 4:2:0                                              |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ..... 15,001,320 b/s  Packets: ............ 242,416  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............. 2,995  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: .................. 1,775  Packets: ........... 1,219  |
|                                 TSrate: ...... 16,449,063 b/s  Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01CA (458)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (eng)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 144,805 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,340  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 758  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 381  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01CB (459)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (cze)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 144,557 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,336  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 761  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 381  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D1 (465)                                                        Subtitles (srp)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xBD (Private stream 1)                                                    |
|  DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio                                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ......... 74,259 b/s  Packets: .............. 1,200  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................ 29  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: .............. 29  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D2 (466)                                                        Subtitles (hrv)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xBD (Private stream 1)                                                    |
|  DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio                                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ......... 73,825 b/s  Packets: .............. 1,193  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................ 29  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: .............. 29  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D3 (467)                                                        Subtitles (slv)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xBD (Private stream 1)                                                    |
|  DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio                                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 122,032 b/s  Packets: .............. 1,972  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................ 28  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: .............. 27  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D4 (468)                                                        Subtitles (bul)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xBD (Private stream 1)                                                    |
|  DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio                                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ......... 69,803 b/s  Packets: .............. 1,128  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................ 29  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: .............. 29  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D5 (469)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (ger)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 144,867 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,341  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 760  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 380  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D6 (470)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (hun)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 145,176 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,346  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 760  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 381  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D7 (471)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (fre)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 144,495 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,335  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 760  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 381  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D8 (472)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (rus)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 144,433 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,334  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 759  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 381  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01D9 (473)                                                        Subtitles (por)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xBD (Private stream 1)                                                    |
|  DVB subtitles, 16:9 aspect ratio                                                          |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ......... 82,180 b/s  Packets: .............. 1,328  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ................ 29  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: .............. 29  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |
|  PID: 0x01DA (474)                                                     HE-AAC Audio (pol)  |
|  PES stream id: 0xC0 (Audio 0)                                                             |
|  Audio layer 0, dual channel                                                               |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  Single Service PID             Transport:                     Discontinuities:            |
|  Bitrate: ........ 144,557 b/s  Packets: .............. 2,336  Expected: .............. 0  |
|  Access: ............... Clear  Adapt.F.: ............... 758  Unexpect: .............. 0  |
|                                 Duplicated: ............... 0  PES:                        |
|                                 PCR: ...................... 0  Packets: ............. 380  |
|                                                                Inv.Start: ............. 0  |

|  TABLES & SECTIONS ANALYSIS REPORT                                                         |
|  PID: 0x0000 (0)                                                                      PAT  |
|  0x00 (0, PAT), TID ext: 0x2B5C (11100)                                                    |
|         Repetition: ......... 474  ms  Section cnt: ........... 51                         |
|         Min repet.: ......... 458  ms  Table cnt: ............. 51                         |
|         Max repet.: ......... 494  ms  Version: ............... 30                         |
|  PID: 0x0014 (20)                                                                 TDT/TOT  |
|  0x70 (112, TDT)                                                                           |
|         Repetition: ........... 0  ms  Section cnt: ............ 1                         |
|         Min repet.: ........... 0  ms                                                      |
|         Max repet.: ........... 0  ms                                                      |
|  0x73 (115, TOT)                                                                           |
|         Repetition: ........... 0  ms  Section cnt: ............ 1                         |
|         Min repet.: ........... 0  ms                                                      |
|         Max repet.: ........... 0  ms                                                      |
|  PID: 0x01C8 (456)                                                                    PMT  |
|  Service: 0x11FB (4603) (unknown)                                                          |
|  0x02 (2, PMT), TID ext: 0x11FB (4603)                                                     |
|         Repetition: ......... 473  ms  Section cnt: ........... 51                         |
|         Min repet.: ......... 447  ms  Table cnt: ............. 51                         |
|         Max repet.: ......... 508  ms  Version: ................ 8                         |


Vu+ Duo4K SE with 45308X FBC and BCM3466 running OpenPLi 8.3-release (2023-06-25-release-8.3)
Vu+ Ultimo4K with BCM3148, 45208 FBC and TT3L10 running OpenPLi 8.3-release (2023-06-25-release-8.3)

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