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hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI

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Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #21 AllMassive

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Posted 16 August 2024 - 16:25

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Navigation.py", line 86, in dispatchEvent
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ServiceEventTracker.py", line 82, in event
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebkitHbbTV/plugin.py", line 295, in _cb_ait_detected
    self._app_info = self.get_autostart_application()
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebkitHbbTV/plugin.py", line 348, in get_autostart_application
    if reader.doOpen(info, self.aitReader):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebkitHbbTV/aitreader.py", line 84, in doOpen
    document = document.decode("cp1252").encode("utf-8")
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'decode'
[ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method Navigation.dispatchEvent of <Navigation.Navigation object at 0xb37b7850>>,(21,)) failed)

../../git/lib/base/ebase.cpp:155 ASSERTION notifiers.find(fd) == notifiers.end() FAILED!

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #22 mrvica

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Posted 16 August 2024 - 16:45

'str' object has no attribute 'decode'. Python 3 error? - Stack Overflow

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #23 DimitarCC

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Posted 16 August 2024 - 16:51

Decode is for binary data but document is string....

Vu+DUO4KSE, DM920UHD, Vu+Uno4KSE, SF8008Mini, 2xPulse4K, Vu+Solo2, Dreambox DM500HD, Triax 78 (7E,9E,13E,19.2E,23.5E) & 2xTriax 78 (39E)

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #24 mrvica

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Posted 16 August 2024 - 16:54

as suggested drop decode, or use first encode(() than decode()

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #25 Beeker

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Posted 16 August 2024 - 17:06

Not sure about this, but give it a try.

               document = re.sub(RE_XML_ILLEGAL, "?", document)
                document = re.sub("&", "+", document)
-               document = document.decode("cp1252").encode("utf-8")
+               document = document.encode("cp1252").decode()
                document = "<URL>" + document + "</URL>"

Otherwise , we can just remove the line.


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Dreambox dm920, Uclan Ustym4Kpro, Gigablue UHD TRIO 4K and Dreambox dm8000. Wavefrontier T55 13.0|19.2|23.5|28.2 + Ziggo.

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #26 AllMassive

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Posted 17 August 2024 - 02:39

now theres no greenscreen anymore after rebooting, but hbbtv isnt visible underneath the 'plugin'-section.

when pressing RED BUTTON on a hbbtv-chan (germany ard) it crashed with:

/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebkitHbbTV/plugin.py:149: SyntaxWarning: "is not" with a literal. Did you mean "!="?
  elif self.max_volume is not 0:
[eDVBPESReader] ERROR reading PES (fd=50): Value too large for defined data type
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Components/ActionMap.py", line 57, in action
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Screens/InfoBarGenerics.py", line 3012, in activateRedButton
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebkitHbbTV/plugin.py", line 290, in _cb_hbbtv_activated
    self.start_hbbtv_application(url, app_info)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebkitHbbTV/plugin.py", line 310, in start_hbbtv_application
    self.session.open(HbbTVWindow, url, app_info)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/StartEnigma.py", line 312, in open
    dlg = self.current_dialog = self.instantiateDialog(screen, *arguments, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/StartEnigma.py", line 255, in instantiateDialog
    return self.doInstantiateDialog(screen, arguments, kwargs, self.desktop)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/StartEnigma.py", line 272, in doInstantiateDialog
    dlg = screen(self, *arguments, **kwargs)
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebkitHbbTV/hbbtv.py", line 31, in __init__
    if vbcfg.getMachineBuild() in ('pulse4k', 'pulse4kmini', 'h9', 'h9combo', 'h9combose', 'h9se', 'h10', 'h8', 'hzero', 'i55', 'i55plus', 'i55se', 'hd60', 'hd61', 'multibox', 'multiboxse'):
  File "/usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/WebkitHbbTV/vbcfg.py", line 152, in getMachineBuild
    if machine is None:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'machine' referenced before assignment
[ePyObject] (CallObject(<bound method ActionMap.action of <Components.ActionMap.HelpableActionMap object at 0xaffaea18>>,('InfobarRedButtonActions', 'activateRedButton')) failed)

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #27 Beeker

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Posted 17 August 2024 - 07:39

The plugin is not meant to be in Pluigin browser.

Plugin is accessible in  extensions menu (blue button)



def getMachineBuild():
+       global machine
        if machine is None:

I have no vudo, so I need to fake the plugin install.

Attached Files

Edited by Beeker, 17 August 2024 - 07:47.

Dreambox dm920, Uclan Ustym4Kpro, Gigablue UHD TRIO 4K and Dreambox dm8000. Wavefrontier T55 13.0|19.2|23.5|28.2 + Ziggo.

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #28 mrvica

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Posted 17 August 2024 - 13:04


when pressing RED BUTTON on a hbbtv-chan (germany ard) it crashed with:

they changed it to long help, there were problems with the red key

enigma2-plugin-extensions-hbbtv-webkit/HbbTV at master · oe-alliance/enigma2-plugin-extensions-hbbtv-webkit · GitHub

oe-alliance version seems outdated as well, last commi 3 years ago

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #29 littlesat

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Posted 17 August 2024 - 20:59

As far I understand that crash will be resolved by beeker’s suggestion sounds like a global was not mentioned

WaveFrontier 28.2E | 23.5E | 19.2E | 16E | 13E | 10/9E | 7E | 5E | 1W | 4/5W | 15W

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #30 AllMassive

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Posted 18 August 2024 - 06:15

oe-alliance version seems outdated as well, last commi 3 years ago


think thats the main prob - i could continue to paste errors though...

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #31 Beeker

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Posted 18 August 2024 - 07:24

The whole getMachineBuild() seems to be redundant , as we can use Boxinfo directly.

def getMachineBuild():
	global machine
	if machine is None:
			from Components.SystemInfo import BoxInfo
			machine = boxInfo.getItem('machine')
				from Tools.HardwareInfo import HardwareInfo
				machine = HardwareInfo().get_machine_name
				machine = "?"
	return machine

Also this seems not OK. Correct if I'm wrong.

if vbcfg.getMachineBuild() not in ('dags7252')

in hbttv.py file.

getMachineBuild() returns machine.

So the condition will never be true.


Also there is a dev branch. Which is compatible with Python3




We OpenPLi build from that branch. The webkit plugin for Xsarius and Qviart using it.

But it's using boxbranding.

So I created box to use Boxinfo.




According to meta-layers, the galaxy4k, revo4K and the lunix3-4 using it as FRIENDLY_FAMILY, STB_PLATFORM and MACHINE_MODEL.

Edited by Beeker, 18 August 2024 - 07:25.

Dreambox dm920, Uclan Ustym4Kpro, Gigablue UHD TRIO 4K and Dreambox dm8000. Wavefrontier T55 13.0|19.2|23.5|28.2 + Ziggo.

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #32 Beeker

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Posted 18 August 2024 - 08:28


oe-alliance version seems outdated as well, last commi 3 years ago


think thats the main prob - i could continue to paste errors though...



Please continue, if you don't mind.

We're almost there.

Dreambox dm920, Uclan Ustym4Kpro, Gigablue UHD TRIO 4K and Dreambox dm8000. Wavefrontier T55 13.0|19.2|23.5|28.2 + Ziggo.

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #33 AllMassive

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Posted 19 August 2024 - 07:59

as long as you provide files/zips....

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #34 Beeker

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Posted 19 August 2024 - 16:46

OE-A webkit plugin dev branch



With Boxinfo patch



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Dreambox dm920, Uclan Ustym4Kpro, Gigablue UHD TRIO 4K and Dreambox dm8000. Wavefrontier T55 13.0|19.2|23.5|28.2 + Ziggo.

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #35 starbuck

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Posted 19 August 2024 - 21:30

Will it work on VU Duo 4k SE as well?

I replaced the files but I got an import error "Boxinfo" from Component Systeminfo, see the attached screenshot.

Then I can choose "ARDMediathek" for example and the Box hangs (no Greenscreen) and did not respond anymore.

Only a reboot brings the receiver back to life.


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VU+ Duo 4k SE 2x DVB-C / Openpli 9.x

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #36 Beeker

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Posted 20 August 2024 - 16:27

Webkit plugin is only available for Xsarius and Qviart in OpenPLi at the moment.


I can add it to vuduo, as it has webkit browser.


If it works? No idea.


First I''m building  plugin for Ustymkpro  to test Pyhton code.

Problem is probably due to a  mix of .py and .pyc files, not wrong code.


So it's a bit of a puzzzle now.

Edited by Beeker, 20 August 2024 - 16:37.

Dreambox dm920, Uclan Ustym4Kpro, Gigablue UHD TRIO 4K and Dreambox dm8000. Wavefrontier T55 13.0|19.2|23.5|28.2 + Ziggo.

Re: hbbtv plugin for OpenOPLI #37 WanWizard

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Posted 20 August 2024 - 20:00

The main reason we haven't done that, is that it contains licenseware, for which Xsarius and Qviart paid (i.e., they included it in their BSP).


OE-Alliance has ripped it and offered it for all other verdors, which is against our policies.

Currently in use: VU+ Duo 4K (2xFBC S2), VU+ Solo 4K (1xFBC S2), uClan Usytm 4K Ultimate (S2+T2), Octagon SF8008 (S2+T2), Zgemma H9.2H (S2+T2)

Due to my bad health, I will not be very active at times and may be slow to respond. I will not read the forum or PM on a regular basis.

Many answers to your question can be found in our new and improved wiki.

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