Did a complete renewed setup and encountered one issue while also having some ideas.
After a complete clean install cable scan didn’t work on a HD51. Knew I had it before also (see my previous post from 2012 link, in Dutch). In looking for this post I also found a more recent one (link). The HD51 has multiboot so did a test: Install clean image (with no autobackup), disable tuner A in the wizard (DVB-S) but leave tuner B (DVB-C/T) and configure it. Then do scan (automatic/manual or cable scan doesn’t matter) and there it is depending on how you try you get “cablescan program not found ‘/usr/bin/tda1002x’!” or “search failed” in cable scan. Could be worth a deeper look into as it is a stubborn problem and thus even in a fresh install.
- Autobackup: Make it identifiable by adding hostname to the folder (and maybe compress the backup in one file, off course also with the hostname identifier
- Introduce configuring the Picons/epg location (to shares)
Last week I've upgraded my home network and centralized everything. Pulled all the HDD/USB out of the enigma2 boxes and pointed everything to 2 mountpoints (a VHD share per box which takes over from the good old internal HDD/USB) and central storage location so all media can be reached/played/added by everyone/everything. It all works like a charm now but was very time consuming in configuring (especially finding out what where).
Ps. This is not to complain… absolutely not! I have been a happy user of PLi for about 20 years now and am so glad with all of you who have been maintaining it for all that time. It is in general often the case. A lot of these systems have a host system (Linux/Android/Windows) on top of that gui user software (Enigma2/Kodi/Android etc.) *** in the case of Linux on the PC even a desktop environment like Gnome/KDE in between*** which in turn can have addons/plugins/extentions/apps. Every layer needs config which is configured all around and even not always through the GUI for users but in config files and in rare cases in the code.
For what I encounterd Pli specific (what I can now think back of out of my head):
1. Autobackup
The autobackup files don't have the box identification easily in it. So it was every time looking if I had the right one when centralized storing change things to try and import back. Solved it mostly by making a subdir per box but the disadvantage of that was the I needed to change folders all the time. It would be nicer if, for example, the hostname was in the (folder) name so they can all be at one place for editing making it instantly clear which one was from/for what box. Most Ideal would if the folder also would be compressed into one file instead of a folder aas autobackup does. Then all can be in one place making life easier in a centralized setup.
2. Data location (Picon/EPG)
When no HDD/USB present but only network shares the only option you get in the GUI for installing is internal memory with no manual override option (to select a share easy). I would like to change this to a share so only one box needs to import Picons while all the others can use them (nowadays network and storage are fast enough for it when configured the right way). Especially picons are quite large a download which is updated several times a week so why do it more than once.
The same goes for (non DVB) EPG import. Every box downloads it for itself completely understandable in the old times. But now there can be central storage thus making sense in one box downloading/updating it and the others using the same location without having to do anything.
As I know you host all EPG import data which costs you bandwidth every import I put extra investigation time in a “workaround” as I didn’t want to take advantage of by using more data is necessary by downloading the same several times. The workaround is now a script that copies/spreads the epg.dat and Picon folder to the others. But in general a path location setting in information sources would be nice.
Speaking of paths
Path configs are all over the place both in where to configure them (GUI vs editing config files), how to configure them and where they are stored (especially plugins). Some that come up in my head now regarding PLi: Hostname/mountponts in network manager (stored in etc/enigma2), EPG in EPG import plugin as well as location epg.dat in settings-system-epg. Recording locations in setting-system-expert-recording locations. Etc. etc.
I absolutely do understand the reason. There is the Linux structure once thought but being handled in different ways varying from not exactly clear to where to put it, legacy or just making it easy and put is somewhere that is already being used for it. I found a lot of leftover (config) files of 20 years using and trying PLi with all kinds of leftovers (that are in no way problematic).
Finding this also leads me to applaud you all with how good your autobackup/update mechanism works as I never had to reconfigure freshly (not now also, but decided to do so in the change from the boxes going from mostly standalone to as much terminal as I can configure). In the info screen I have thousands of enigma restarts, which is probably nothing compared to some of the developers here, but this is only user use in 20 years.
It could be nice to have a settings screen where the most relevant path settings are all in one screen/config table. Plugin builders also can use this to pull path variable from it.
Just some ideas, maybe not good ones or workable but who knows just maybe some are �