I am using automatic volume adjustment.
Option: remember used volume.
I ran into a problem. I use on of the receiver mainly as radio via IPTV. But this receiver will also be used as TV via fallback tuner for TV on occasion.
Now the volume difference of the radio (ITPV) channels and the TV-channels (fallback) is very large.
The automatic volume adjustment is used to remember the last volume used for the channel.
Now the volume of channels used via the fallback tuner is properly adjusted.
No problem here.
The problems started with the IPTV channels (radio)
You can define the IPTV channels in a bouquet as:
#SERVICE https://streams.radio.dpgmedia.cloud/redirect/joe_gold/aac
#SERVICE 4097:0:2:0:0:1:DDDD:0:0:0:https%3a//streams.radio.dpgmedia.cloud/redirect/joe_gold/aac
#SERVICE 5002:0:2:0:0:1:DDDD:0:0:0:https%3a//streams.radio.dpgmedia.cloud/redirect/joe_gold/aac
Automatic volume adjustment will only remember the volume setting (and restore the volume) as the stream is defined as a 5002 stream.
(The last option of the above)
My question.
Could the plug-in be modified to set and restore the volume for all methods of defining the stream?