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Member Since 30 Sep 2015
Offline Last Active 07 Oct 2015 14:20

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In Topic: [VU+ SOLO2] How to use the transcoding plugin?

7 October 2015 - 14:22

It's done. New Topic "request for transcoding on SoloSE" is ready.

In Topic: [VU+ SOLO2] How to use the transcoding plugin?

6 October 2015 - 21:46


You can't use transcoding on Solo SE.

According to http://www.vuplus-co...-for-you.18506/ you can.

According to mentioned website:
If you press the green button, and scroll though the plugins in the menu, you will find the Transcoding Setup, just press ok to select this plugin and then enable it. Once enabled, you can use the Transcoding function.

The problem is that in OpenPLi TranscodingSetup plugin can not be accessed to enable that. I get the green screen with "We are sorry. Your STB encountered a software problem , and need to be restarted. Component: TranscodingSetup." And Solo SE is rebooting. streamproxy.conf is missing in /etc/enigma2. Please find the screen attached.
Just to mention that streaming on Solo SE is not working regular way like on Solo2 but only by using pau plugin.

In Topic: [VU+ SOLO2] How to use the transcoding plugin?

6 October 2015 - 14:23

Hmmm..... On the mentioned website Solo2 supports also only linited Transcoding. I see no issues by my friends having Solo2. TranscodingSetup is installed and works fine.

In Topic: [VU+ SOLO2] How to use the transcoding plugin?

6 October 2015 - 13:27

"Some people also say you can't make coffee with it." And they are fully right. You can't.


"Many people were saying that streaming can not be used on Solo SE." And they were WRONG. It can.

And looks like the same story is with Transcoding.

Provided website http://wiki.openpli.org/comparison says that Solo SE supports Transcoding but limited which means: only one (small) resolution, quality is poor.


So, the question remains. How to enable limited Transcoding ?


In Topic: [VU+ SOLO2] How to use the transcoding plugin?

6 October 2015 - 12:56

Well... many people were saying also that streaming also can not be used on Solo SE.