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#673506 TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0

Posted by mfaraj57 on 23 February 2017 - 09:37

Usually graphics slow TSmedia,else nothing added to slow TSmedia significantly either in code or graphics.And do not forget changing internet speed and frequently this is the cause with me and usally check for that from desktop/netspeedtest

but i noticed slowness happen with fullhd skin and sometime due to image itself or images updates

i did not notice any slowness in my boxes,but difficult to conclude from this because of most my boxes are very fast.

#668373 TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0

Posted by mfaraj57 on 14 February 2017 - 20:55

Just tested nowvideo.sx after editing tsmresolver.py file

imaged showed working stream_link in pc TSmediaTools,expect to work also in TSmedia



#667215 TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0

Posted by mfaraj57 on 13 February 2017 - 08:51

fine,flashx neither vidto never worked with me from peliserver,i will plan to add to openupdater after changing the name to hostersupdater

i will check later

just note host may duplicated in servers.txt one for pelisresolver and one for urlresolver,TSmedia wll take first occurance and ignore others


#666741 TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0

Posted by mfaraj57 on 12 February 2017 - 14:00

Tsmedia uses peliserver and urlresolver and there is file called servers.txt in script.module.urlresolver you should edit to direct tsmedia from which server to use,look at it easy to edit
You can çopy the py file as it is and put in pelisserver folder plugins
By this you can help me to see if there is working host in this case make it the default server for tsmedia
If i am correct there is addon using hosts of pelisserver but because it contains mainly adult material so i can not include it in tsmedia,i will search for and send to you to test hosts without editing servers.txt

#655626 TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0

Posted by mfaraj57 on 23 January 2017 - 17:24


plugin.video.raitv updated to 1.014,you can do update now and should bus error disappears

live channels are  not working except rainew mostly well protected from the source


plugin Name:international_plugin.video.raitv_1.0.14
description:The live radio and TV channels, the latest 7 days of programming, the broadcast archive, the news.

#655470 TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0

Posted by mfaraj57 on 23 January 2017 - 02:36

Thanks for response
I think i found the module causing the bus error
I will post tomorrow 1.013 raitv working plugin

#648513 Enigma2 plugin Development

Posted by mfaraj57 on 11 January 2017 - 20:28

Good routine to separate pure python code from enigma code,mean put all python functions and procedures in  file call it as example default.py and enigma code in another file and call it as example plugin.py file,and from plugin.py import all what needed from python from default.py.

by this way you can test python file(default.py) in pc python idle

all kodi addons are example on this way and all written by python and can be created,debuged on pc and working with enigma.

the most valuable source of learning is open source plugins,just test simple plugin on screen and see the code how perform different actions

while waiting for your box ,start learning basic python on pc.

#644337 TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0

Posted by mfaraj57 on 6 January 2017 - 17:06

Thanks Rob

bugs fixed and updates sent to already installed TSmedia,packages in the links in the post above also updated

#619666 TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0

Posted by mfaraj57 on 25 November 2016 - 10:21

I am running TSmedia on xt7500 openpli,vu solo s3 openatv,dmbox800 se v2 and i do not have problems

as i have said i do not maintain iptv section because most contents of these addons are short lived but in arabic section you can find more than 60 addons and most of them are working

TSmedia has less performance and less faster than IPTVplayer because TSmedia depends in kodi library while the later has pure enigma and python codes

if you have problem with specific addon,please mention it and i will try to repair

#619129 TSmedia enigma2 plugin 1.0

Posted by mfaraj57 on 24 November 2016 - 12:38

This is expected for iptv section because most of free iptv addons short lived and expired quickly so i removed most of them
but addons in other sections should work
TSmedia does not have link with vlc
In kodidirect you can play files throught vlc

#616462 Plugin programming: HTTP post request while zapping makes the zap slow

Posted by mfaraj57 on 17 November 2016 - 19:17

from twisted.web import client
def downloadback(,data):
        if data:
            print data
def downloaderror(error):
                      if error:
                          print error

example of twisted web

#592363 Livefootball enigma2 plugin

Posted by mfaraj57 on 25 September 2016 - 16:54

livefootball 6.6
Fixed bugs


#591973 Net speed test plugin

Posted by mfaraj57 on 24 September 2016 - 15:18

Simple plugin to test net speed based on speedtest.net mechanism





Attached Files

#584107 Livefootball enigma2 plugin

Posted by mfaraj57 on 5 September 2016 - 08:10

will be fixed in next update

#579526 Livefootball enigma2 plugin

Posted by mfaraj57 on 21 August 2016 - 15:19

LiveFootBall 6.2 
updates:fixed today scores,soccerway.com used instead livescores.com
 by telnet

opkg install -force-overwrite http://tunisia-dreambox.info/LiveFootBall/software_official/enigma2-plugin-extensions-livefootball_6.2_all.ipk
or from previous version about&updates
or from TSpanel-TSaddons/Livefootball