TuneinRadio 3.9
-Fixed some graphic bugs
-added playlist menu to player
-Added related google slideshow as default
-and many more
Posted by mfaraj57 on 20 August 2020 - 12:52
LiveFootBall 8.5
The old known plugin for soccrer and top leagues
Complete on tv screen reference for soccer lovers
Today matches,teams points and scores,world leagues local or top,popular leagues,satellites and streaming for completed full matches and live stream
New style,new look with improved presentation of data
Apply the following script command in the telnet window
wget http://tunisia-dreambox.info/TSplugins/LiveFootBall/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh
or install from the attached ipk
Posted by mfaraj57 on 12 June 2020 - 19:32
wget http://tunisia-dreambox.info/TSmedia/software_official/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh
Posted by mfaraj57 on 13 March 2020 - 07:33
sorry the file
Posted by mfaraj57 on 13 March 2020 - 07:13
check new version TSmedia 15.2(previous version will ask for update or use the following telnet script to install)
wget http://tunisia-dreambox.info/TSmedia/software_official/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh
if not youtube is working
follow this tutorial to create your youtube api key and put in file
Posted by mfaraj57 on 25 October 2019 - 08:28
you can add multiple fonts like what you have done.
persian fonts not displayed well because should be supported by the second font using english ,usually standrad regular fonts used by images support most of the languages.
try to add fonts from usr/share/fonts and see the one supports persian
i create small plugin to prevent abnormal behavior of the unicode font,i supports arabic but expect to work with persian
wget http://tunisia-dreambox.info/TSplugins/ArabicSavior/installer.sh -O - | /bin/sh
Posted by mfaraj57 on 24 October 2019 - 21:15
you can use like this
from enigma import addFont fontPath="/usr/share/fonts/persian.otf' addFont(fontpath, 'PersianFont', 100, 1) #in screen use font like this '''<widget name = "header" position = "7,7" size = "333,13" font = "PersianFont;20" transparent = "1" noWrap = "1"/>'''
Posted by mfaraj57 on 23 September 2019 - 08:21
from the licence
The E2iPlayer plugin should be treated as a browser of content available on the Internet, therefore the Creators of the E2iPlayer plugin cannot and do not take responsibility for the content to which the user accesses through the use of
E2iPlayer plugin.
This make me laughing.
This true if not e2iplayer shipped with more than 300 hundreds modules breaking the rules of the websites and many are illegal
Posted by mfaraj57 on 23 September 2019 - 08:07
Because he is paranoid and suspicious he expected i stole his code without looking to my code,i do not have to prove that because he claimed that and he should prove it and not just talking about licence.
anyone looks to my code and hist code he will know that he claims are just rubbish and no need for all these discussion here.
for sake of other peoples i put photo for first 10 lines of main class from my code and his code,anyone interested more both files are available.
my code
his code
although i didnot use his code in this module and i got his permission to do what i want this is google translate for his licence
Everyone has the right to de-code the E2iPlayer plug-in code if it has been published without sources. The author of each modification is obliged to send, with confirmation of receipt, a detailed description of the modification together with its source code to the e-mail address: samsamsam@o2.pl. For Enigmy2 distributions that contain the pre-installed E2iPlayer plug-in, or allow it to be installed or updated, the E2iPlayer component code as part of the delivered version must be identical to the code from the main repository available at https://gitlab.com/iptvplayer-for-e2/iptvplayer-for-e2. It is prohibited to provide incomplete E2iPlayer plug-in code without obtaining the prior permission of the main developer. At the same time, it is allowed to distribute the plugin code in the form of precompiled pyo files. The creators of the E2iPlayer plug-in are not responsible for damages resulting from the use of the E2iPlayer plug-in, regardless of how these damages arose and what they relate to. The creators of the E2iPlayer plug-in are not responsible for the improper or illegal use of the E2iPlayer plug-in, including the illegal downloading of video content using the E2iPlayer plug-in. The E2iPlayer plugin should be treated as a content browser available on the Internet, therefore the creators of the E2iPlayer plugin cannot and are not responsible for the content to which the user accesses using E2iPlayer plugin. The E2iPlayer plugin supports logging in to some websites that require premium accounts. However, the creators of the plugin do not sell such accounts.
The author of each modification is obliged to send, with confirmation of receipt, a detailed description of the modification together with its source code to the e-mail address: samsamsam@o2.pl.
This is what i did.
Posted by mfaraj57 on 22 September 2019 - 18:37
Thanks.Now it works correctly and changes correctly.But no showing off show suggestion option.
yes suggestion option from same keyboard/menu/settings
Posted by mfaraj57 on 22 September 2019 - 17:10
Posted by mfaraj57 on 20 September 2019 - 22:13
Posted by mfaraj57 on 19 September 2019 - 12:26
Posted by mfaraj57 on 1 September 2019 - 10:09
of course thanks to Iansav for his excellent work with virtualkeyboard and for others contributed to it.
only i see two features should be added :
-suggestion list and history list and can be added as options in menu button shortcut,so will be ready for tube applications,iptv and movies plugins,imdb plugins and others,and these have no big issue to add to current opensource vkeyboard
-also method of adding any new language externally without need to modify the VirtualKeyBoard.py,and think this can be done by adding the language code to separate files with name of language and can be installed from server for unpopular languages while the popular languages can be already installed to some place like usr/share/enigma/vklanguages
Posted by mfaraj57 on 27 August 2019 - 17:20
yes,agree with you totally and respects you all and appreciate your service to enigma community and i do not want by anyway to put you in the middle of us or take rule of policeman.
but he always starts,he discussed the subject with me in my home forum since few days but he insists on me as administrator to ban some members claimed that they stole his private updates for his closed subjects.banning my members this is my issue and do not accept anybody to say to me who or who not to ban.
but i want to cooperate with you to resolve this situation so i promised not to reply to him and stop talking about the subject here even he opens it again.