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Member Since 9 Feb 2010
Offline Last Active 17 May 2015 06:35

Posts I've Made

In Topic: [SWEDEN ]Channels missing in Rytec Sweden XMLTV (XEPGDB repacked)

5 May 2012 - 18:54

New channel on Thor 0,8:
TV4 Sport Xtra 1:0:1:12CE:30:46:E080000:0:0:0:

Is it possible to add this channel? Started 5/5 so maybe not all epg-providers has it yet...


In Topic: Import rating with xmltv import?

29 February 2012 - 12:39

So, don´t we have a challenge here: how do we take the xmltv importing (for dream box kind of boxes anyway...) into the 21st century and be able to import stuff like rating, actors and maybe even hyperlinks to trailers and so on? :rolleyes: B)
the info is there as you can see in my xml-file.
Wish that I could program some nice little importer tool with all these features but I can´t, but my challenge is:
Is there anyone out there who can?


In Topic: cross epg doesn't work

3 January 2012 - 19:20

Hi guys,
I am confused. Before I run Crossepg without any trouble at all but now it has stopped downloading my xml-file.
Here is my .conf-file content that worked a couple of weeks ago: (url:s work in epgimport so they are fine)

description=Nicke tv.swedb.se XMLTV

My question is: must Crossepg .conf-files point to gz-files now?

Here is content from built in rytec.conf-file:

description=Rytec Sweden XMLTV

I have tried to change url's to channels_url_0= and epg_url_0= without result.

In Topic: CrossEpg issue

25 December 2011 - 18:37

I have the same problem with my own xml-files.
Until recent it worked perfectly to keep my own files on my own server and download it once a day.
Now it dowsn´t find anything anymore!
Rytecs own files works for me but my files covers 14 days for my channels...

Has CrossEPG changed it way to look for/download files? Can´t it handle xml-files anymore?

Here is my previously working .conf file:

description=Nicke tv.swedb.se XMLTV

Have tried this without result:

description=Nicke tv.swedb.se XMLTV

Best regards, Nicke