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Daconi ®

Member Since 26 Sep 2010
Offline Last Active 18 Nov 2015 06:48

Posts I've Made

In Topic: adriatic turquoise32 skin

7 July 2014 - 21:51

Hi to @All PLi members and Fan's!!!




My skin have Copyright for: SIF TeAm and "not" anymore for Open Mips, so if some of you coder's change the some things to be aviabile for use on the PLi image, I can send rest of modules to have complete image.

After that skin is ready for use and have autorisation for use on PLi base image... ;)


P.S. some of Admins or coder can contacted me on PM, and I will make the appropriate changes for the PLI image, because all work is drawn exclusively from me, and I have master of all, so it's easy to make changes and originality...





In Topic: New plugin for Weather widget in skin E2

21 August 2013 - 21:59

This Plugins is to big,,4.36MB more than skin

Yes it is, I make one of my box with new graphic panel with glass effect and the same loocks now like this down on foto:



