I've done my skin based on this one (dmm-FHD-mod) and some others good things.
My skin is Grey
Posted by pybear38 on 12 July 2021 - 23:51
I've done my skin based on this one (dmm-FHD-mod) and some others good things.
My skin is Grey
Posted by pybear38 on 18 May 2014 - 13:21
The change of my work
- Only one Infobar and all infos are now on one infobar.
I take off what I suppose to do not important.
Picture is on the topic before this one...
If you like it, download it here and replace all your Metropolys at /usr/share/enigma2/MetropolysHD
Thank you to Franc for this fabulous skin
I will continue with the change of all background colors. I would like to have a Blue translucid skin with Metropolys...
Bye bye
Posted by pybear38 on 15 May 2014 - 18:56
Now I have adjust some details and :
See you soon...