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#1336187 Request for change to EPGimport

Posted by Pr2 on 9 April 2021 - 10:28

Using language defined in the GUI won't probably solved the question here since you can decide to receive both french and english language so both will be loaded into memory and then which one will be displayed?

Does GMEPG take care of the language code, how does it handle the EPG when there are several languages available for the same service reference?

If it handles it properly no need for filtering in EPGImport just load all the possible languages for a multi-lingual channel using the same reference (but this will fill up the STB memory).


But then you should extend the number of preferred languages because 2 is very restrictive.


People doesn't have to learn regular expression they can just type the "channel id" name like it appears in the channels.xml but I propose my implementation. This PR is allowing users to have a full control on what is loaded into STB memory.


So sad that I ask for help in the development section of OpenPLi where I explain what I was doing and nobody answer me, now that the patch is ready and fully tested you reject it. I would have better invest my time in doing something else.

#1334891 Request for change to EPGimport

Posted by Pr2 on 4 April 2021 - 16:15



Here is a trial to implement the feature requested by Doglover.




The filtering is only possible on the channel id and is based on regular expression (regex). I will not fully explain here what the regex syntax is but just a few remarks;

If you want to fully exclude all the EPG for all the channel id from france you need to use this syntax:




. replace any characters

* means that any characters can repeat anytime

\. is to match the .  remember . (alone) means any character for the regex.

fr is "fr"


You can also specify a specific channel id:




This will exclude Discovery.dk  is you didn't mention \. then the regex will match Discovery(1 time any character)dk

But most of the time simply specifying Discover.dk should not cause trouble but in case of doubt and if you want to be sure to have a perfect match use the \. notation.


The filtering is not case sensitive (so the whole filter that you will set will be switched to lower case because it is what is also done for the channel id matching.

So Discovery\.dk is the same as DiscoVery\.DK so you don't have to care about the exact case of the channel id name.


So filtering on anything else than the channel id is not foreseen (it is not possible to filter on partial service reference nor on comments). Why?  Because the channels.xml file is processed in a true XML way meaning that every element is retrieved independently so this filter will is focusing on the channel id and nothing else (filter by reference is already implemented into EPGImport).


One line per filter a OR operation will be performed between every lines.



To test go into this folder on your STB:




There make a copy of the existing: EPGConfig.py

cd /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGImport
cp EPGConfig.py EPGConfig.py.ori


Then delete the EPGConfig.pyo file (optional).



Download this file:




Then transfer it to your STB into: /usr/lib/enigma2/python/Plugins/Extensions/EPGImport


Then you need to create a filter file:  




With the filter that you want:




This will exclude all the channel id ending with .fr and .be and also exclude discovery.dk


Reboot your box. You only need to reboot your box once to have it creating the EPGConfig.pyo file.

Later on you simply need to edit and change the /etc/epgimport/channel_id_filter.conf

#1331967 All Kodi related issues only in OpenPLi 8.0 and no previous releases.

Posted by Pr2 on 24 March 2021 - 13:04

Please don't trust the dragnan test he was using OpenATV as main image and OpenPLi with OpenMultiboot so he was using the OpenATV kernel that is patched to enable those device.
So you I can just confirm that it has never worked in OpenPLi.

#1331955 Media Player with visualisation?

Posted by Pr2 on 24 March 2021 - 12:30

You can try YAMP it is in the feed.

#1331035 Request for change to EPGimport

Posted by Pr2 on 21 March 2021 - 09:11

There is a plugin called epgimportfilter in the feed isn't it doing what you are requiring here?

#1326891 OpenPLi and Network tools

Posted by Pr2 on 7 March 2021 - 12:54

Because in Openpli we don't install tools that many people don't need. It's up to you to install the plugin that you really need in OpenPLi.

That's one of the main difference between OpenPLi and the other images that pre-install many plugins.

#1321067 Testing VU+ @ OpenPLi development Images

Posted by Pr2 on 18 February 2021 - 14:25

Here is a problem with upgrde of my solo4K (of course opkg update was done before):
root@vusolo4k:~# opkg upgrade
Collected errors:
 * Solver encountered 1 problem(s):
 * Problem 1/1:
 *   - nothing provides requested media-ctl
 * Solution 1:
 *   - do not ask to install a package providing media-ctl

root@vusolo4k:~#  opkg list | grep media-ctl 
media-ctl - 1.16.5-r0.6 - v4l2 and IR applications
root@vusolo4k:~# opkg remove media-ctl

Collected errors:
* Solver encountered 1 problem(s):
* Problem 1/1:
*   - nothing provides requested media-ctl
* Solution 1:
*   - do not ask to install a package providing media-ctl

root@vusolo4k:~# opkg install media-ctl

Collected errors:
* Solver encountered 1 problem(s):
* Problem 1/1:
*   - nothing provides requested media-ctl
* Solution 1:
*   - do not ask to install a package providing media-ctl 
This fix the problem

opkg install --force-reinstall media-ctl
Downloading http://downloads.openpli.org/feeds/openpli-develop/armv7ahf-neon/media-ctl_1.16.5-r0.6_armv7ahf-neon.ipk.
Installing media-ctl (1.16.5) on root
Configuring media-ctl.

#1314007 softcam problem formuler f1 pli8.0 release

Posted by Pr2 on 2 February 2021 - 06:53

Switching from a softcam to another one is not always working properly on OpenPLi.

You should better adapt the different /etc/init.d/softcam* scripts to ensure that the softcam you swtich between are properly killed.


Check that you don't have both softcam running with:


ps | grep -i oscam | grep -v grep
ps | grep -i cccam | grep -v grep


if both commands returns something than you have both softcam running at the same time, which is bad.

#1310055 Testing VU+ @ OpenPLi development Images

Posted by Pr2 on 24 January 2021 - 13:15

You are sending a wrong signal with the thread you create because this will let think that OpenPli will look at and fix the 3rd party skins.
Will you take the responsibility to fix yourself all the skin related issues? If so then you thread is legitimate but in the other case what will we do with all those reports?

#1309567 Hbbtv

Posted by Pr2 on 23 January 2021 - 13:28

Isn't it an English section?

#1309559 Testing VU+ @ OpenPLi development Images

Posted by Pr2 on 23 January 2021 - 13:27

skins are a real pitty people create them but don't maintain them. I was wondering if it is useful to propose skin in the OpenPLi feed because this gives indeed the feeling that OpenPli is "responsible" for them.
Moreover some skin creator include some renders, it's well known that skins are the main GSOD cause. :-)

Personally I never test skins, I have done it in the past but I always return to the standard OpenPLi one. It is really the more clean and clear, and the skin which provide the most useful information. Every other skins always miss TP/SID informations. Yes I don't care to have analog clock, CPU temperature, Weather Information, Soccer results, etc... In the skin that I use. :-)

I don't know if it is possible but for every major release the skin feed should be empty. The skin creator can request to have their skin included back into the feed when they test it on OpenPLi. So all old no longer maintained skins will automatically dispared, a good way to clean them up


#1289502 OpenPLi Release Candidate 8.0 available.

Posted by Pr2 on 23 December 2020 - 11:15

There is no password by default.

You need to telnet to the box login: root
Then type: passwd
And type your own password.

Then give it a try to connect and type in the password that you have defined.

#1243386 NordVPN-Connector for DreamOS and OE2.0

Posted by Pr2 on 9 August 2020 - 19:40

With NordVPN you cannot open up any incoming port, so it is only for outgoing trafic.

#1211774 Translations for Enigma 2: Please post them here!

Posted by Pr2 on 31 May 2020 - 20:45



OpenWebif po files are also updated:





#1211622 Translations for Enigma 2: Please post them here!

Posted by Pr2 on 31 May 2020 - 17:17



Plugin File Commander has been reworked by IMS so there are many strings to translate.

You are welcome with your translation files.   ;)



