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Member Since 3 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active 01 Jun 2024 18:44

#763414 opkg tools ARM version

Posted by betacentauri on 31 August 2017 - 19:26

Why do you try something complicate? The .ipk extension is just a .tgz (tar gunzip) file, change the extension to .tgz and you can open it up with any decompressor on PC or use:

tar -xvzf myipk.tgz


No. It's an ar archive.
To unpack it just execute this on the box:
ar x file.ipk
Then a control.tar.gz, a data.tar.gz and a debian-binary is generated.

#746968 How do a backup in OpenPli 6 e Zgemma H7S

Posted by betacentauri on 27 July 2017 - 19:26

Ok, the workaround. Open a telnet session on the box you want to flash. Execute this in telnet:
ofgwrite -r -k <path to backup>
The backup needs to be stored on a hard disk or USB stick. NAS is in some cases also ok.
Warning: Flashing starts immediately!

#745552 OpenPLi 6.0 » Release candidate

Posted by betacentauri on 24 July 2017 - 16:10


#742543 opkg update + plugins am feed ok ?

Posted by betacentauri on 19 July 2017 - 15:48

Zu den Plugins kann ich nichts sagen. Weiß noch nicht mal was die machen...

Zu opkg. Einfach ignorieren. Es gibt kein Package im speziellen 3rd Party Feed für die ultimo 4k. Ist bei sehr vielen Boxen so.

#742255 cifs freigabe ?

Posted by betacentauri on 18 July 2017 - 21:03

Der Samba Dienst wird doch benötigt, wenn du vom PC oder einer anderen Box auf die Box zugreifen willst. Aber nicht um ein cifs Laufwerk zu mounten.

Hast du autofs installiert? opkg install autofs

#741937 Plugin ET-Portal und BirthdayReminder ?

Posted by betacentauri on 18 July 2017 - 16:55

Die OE-A Images verwenden eine andere Architektur (weiß nicht ob der Name so richtig ist). ATV cortexa15hf-neon und PLi armv7ahf-neon. Die sind kompatibel soweit ich weiß. Die Software sollte also auf jeden Fall laufen. Ich weiß nicht ob irgendeine force Option von opkg dabei hilft das zu umgehen. Wenn nicht, dann müßtest du das ipk selber auspacken und die control Datei anpassen oder eben manuell installieren.

#738679 ist es möglich die settings aus pli-4.0 in pli-6.0 wiederherzustellen ?

Posted by betacentauri on 13 July 2017 - 06:04

Du solltest auf jeden Fall nicht die smb.conf wiederherstellen. Ansonsten geht das meine ich.

#738676 Openmultiboot für PLI-6.0 ?

Posted by betacentauri on 13 July 2017 - 06:01

Hi biki3,

hier ist der Thread

Und hier der Download

#736421 OpenPLi 6.0 » Release candidate

Posted by betacentauri on 8 July 2017 - 21:20

There are also dvb-t2 boxes available which can playback h265 with max full hd. E.g. Os mini plus. So not necessarily 4K boxes only.
And yes, your formuler can't do it.

#735656 OpenPLi 6.0 » Release candidate

Posted by betacentauri on 8 July 2017 - 09:33

Ah, the default skin has change some time ago. Afaik the old PLi4 skin is still available. Just go to settings and change the skin.

#732227 OpenPLi 6.0 » Release candidate

Posted by betacentauri on 3 July 2017 - 14:44

It works, but..... with some small error messages on a Mutant HD51.
The errors are:

tar: ./var/lib/samba/private/msg.sock/1691: socket ignored
tar: ./var/lib/samba/private/msg.sock/30667: socket ignored
tar: ./var/lib/samba/private/msg.sock/1689: socket ignored
tar: ./var/lib/samba/private/msg.sock/1697: socket ignored
tar: ./var/lib/samba/private/msg.sock/1696: socket ignored
It is (I think) pure cosmetic because after a restore the files are recreated
The BackupSuite produces a working backup. I've only tested on a Mutant HD51

Maybe an Openpli dev can elaborate about these errors?

Ignore these errors. It's normal. Tar will not backup socket files. These files will be regenerated from e2 or other software when they are not present.

#702329 How to build Enigma2 images.

Posted by betacentauri on 25 April 2017 - 06:18

The red text says what to do. Install the packages with
sudo apt-get install ...

#699125 Openpli Quick setup Ubuntu/debian

Posted by betacentauri on 17 April 2017 - 14:47

Build an normal image like christophecvr wrote. Afterwards clone e2 git to a different directory. Then
cd <openpli-core>/build
source env.source
MACHINE=<machine you want to build>
bitbake -f -c compile -b <path to e2 git>/enigma2.bb

If you use pli5 build environment (branch develop), bitbake call will fail and e2 git dir is empty. Clone it again and start bitbake(last command above). Configure step will fail again. You need to adapt enigma2.bb and add a line like this
Then compile should work.

#693473 BackupSuite

Posted by betacentauri on 3 April 2017 - 15:33

Are there spaces in the directory name? Can you rename and remove the spaces? This might be a problem.

#693254 Deep Standby mit Power-Button nicht mehr möglich

Posted by betacentauri on 3 April 2017 - 06:26

Du findest das jetzt im Hotkey Menü.