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Member Since 14 Feb 2012
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#1478768 OpenPLi-py3

Posted by Huevos on 4 September 2022 - 14:55

When will openPLi transfer from Python 3.9 to Python 3.10.6 ?

That would require updating/changing OpenEmbedded branch.

#1475156 OpenPLi-py3

Posted by Huevos on 20 August 2022 - 18:59



This is causing the difference: https://github.com/O...aebbe93086e2938


I'm not sure what @athoik intended to do here...

Why would you use the name on a sort by date?


Ours looks like this: https://github.com/O...38a72db6fc2e836

#1466263 SignalFinder

Posted by Huevos on 15 July 2022 - 10:41

That's my mod. OpenPLi were never interested in the implementation.

#1452892 develop: python3 transition

Posted by Huevos on 22 May 2022 - 12:26

You really need AutoTimer and XML-Import working as minimum.


And people need to be realistic. There are going to be bugs/crashes to start with and the quickest way for these to be found and solved is as many people using the python 3 image as possible. Everyone uses their receivers differently so it is impossible for just a few developers to find all the bugs.

#1406550 Multi resolution skin SimpleGray with svg images

Posted by Huevos on 1 December 2021 - 09:32

@Taapat, can I suggest to you using a setup panel that can be used in a lot of screens. In my skin I have similar and it replaces 86 screens. Something like this:

<screen name="SetupPanel">
	<widget name="introduction" objectTypes="introduction,Button,Label" ... />
	<widget name="introduction" source="introduction" render="Label" objectTypes="introduction,StaticText" ... />
	<!-- "config" and "list" widget positioned identically -->
	<widget name="config" conditional="config" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" ... />
	<widget name="list" conditional="list" scrollbarMode="showOnDemand" ... />
	<widget name="description" objectTypes="description,Button,Label" ... />
	<widget source="description" render="Label" objectTypes="description,StaticText" ... />
	<widget name="footnote" objectTypes="footnote,Button,Label" ... />
	<widget source="footnote" render="Label" objectTypes="footnote,StaticText" ... />
	<widget name="HelpWindow" conditional="HelpWindow" pixmap="icons/vkey_icon.png" ... />
	<widget source="VKeyIcon" conditional="VKeyIcon" render="Pixmap" pixmap="buttons/key_text.png" ... >
		<convert type="ConditionalShowHide"/>
	<panel name="DynamicButtonsTemplate"/>

And it doesn't matter what elements are present in the actual screen because the whole thing is conditional, so no error messages.


In my case "VKeyIcon" is part of my dynamic button bar.



#1394570 develop: python3 transition

Posted by Huevos on 16 October 2021 - 21:25






Messagebox and Choicebox are 2 modules that every developer has used for the last 15 years and both have "list" as a keyword argument. If you change that now you are going to break things. So you need to work around it.


I am not sure why you are focusing on this now when PLi has been like this for the last 15 years. It is nothing to do with the Py3 discussion.

#1339391 merge requests for PLi's git

Posted by Huevos on 16 April 2021 - 22:43


When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price.  Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.



The source work is covered under the license.


Fork it and modify it, but the code and modifications are still covered by the original license.



We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary.  To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.


The way I read it is if you take a project under that license (enigma2) and modify it, the modifications must also be open source and anyone else can use those modifications however they choose. And you can't stipulate rules that are stricter than the original license on the use, i.e. what must or must not remain in a file.


Sometimes I wonder what makes people tick, "the code" or "being the owner".


Personally I couldn't care less who uses my code, or being attributed. I just hope they find it useful.

#1332051 Separate characters instead of regular numbers.

Posted by Huevos on 25 March 2021 - 00:11

"e" means end. So "e-14" means 14px less than the dimension of the parent element.


So say you want to create 60 px high horizontal background at the bottom of the screen  to hover your button texts over...

<eLabel position="0,e-60" size="e,60" backgroundColor="black" zPosition="-2" />

Which would be the same as...

<eLabel position="0,1020" size="1920,60" backgroundColor="black" zPosition="-2" />


There are other chars that can be used in a formula... See here...



To see a few examples of formulas in action have a look here...


#1325971 One proc file for detecting the MACHINE in all enigma2 images.

Posted by Huevos on 4 March 2021 - 18:29

I said at the time it was not a neutral repo for all teams to share and his actions have proved me right. His deleting the repo just shows he was not fit to be the administrator of a shared project. Ian, I really don't understand why you are supporting this disgusting behaviour.

#1325783 One proc file for detecting the MACHINE in all enigma2 images.

Posted by Huevos on 4 March 2021 - 09:04

This is BS. This tantrum is obviously nothing to do with me using this open-source code because it started more than a month ago. Not a nice thing to do to all the developers that were building modified versions of OpenVision. Now they can't build at all. What is this really about? Donations? Envy? Control?




Looks like it would now be a good idea to change the name to ClosedVision.

#1241086 One proc file for detecting the MACHINE in all enigma2 images.

Posted by Huevos on 2 August 2020 - 22:37

It is very relevant because your objection to branding module as the API is mainly based on that misconception.



That doesn't explain why both boxbranding and modelinformation exist, since they seem to serve exactly the same purpose.


They are two different things, model information won't show you what a model can do.

Actually it has the full range of static info, very similar to boxbranding.


#1236074 One proc file for detecting the MACHINE in all enigma2 images.

Posted by Huevos on 22 July 2020 - 10:40

@Abu, here is a visual example of a hack. The bottom of the tree is painted to help motorists avoid it. Was that the correct fix?



#1235658 One proc file for detecting the MACHINE in all enigma2 images.

Posted by Huevos on 21 July 2020 - 15:28

Let me chime in in the blindscan situation...

The way hardware blindscan is treated in the plugin is simply atrocious.

What separates DMM is that there is no blindscan binary because the drivers return true in this part of the code

def BlindscanMain(session, close=None, **kwargs):
	have_Support_Blindscan = False
		if 'Supports_Blind_Scan: yes' in open('/proc/bus/nim_sockets').read():
			have_Support_Blindscan = True
	if have_Support_Blindscan:
		import dmmBlindScan
		session.openWithCallback(boundFunction(BlindscanCallback, close), dmmBlindScan.DmmBlindscan)
		session.openWithCallback(boundFunction(BlindscanCallback, close), Blindscan)

Which opens up a whole new different blindscan plugin with fewer options and bad blindscan results, no filters, very poor configurations etc.

This also affects HD51 since gfutures introduced have_Support_Blindscan = True in the Silabs driver, strategically not used in other STBs with Silabs such as SF8008.

This separation is very bad and unfair, all blindscan methods should use the same options.

Yes, the DMM add-on is crap. Should never have been added. Nor should the USB rubbish have been added.


As the person that wrote the plugin into its current form (filters, C-band, Ka-band, etc) it is very depressing to see how this lovely plugin has been hacked and vandalized (in a bid to support hardware that is not related to it in any way).

#1231698 One proc file for detecting the MACHINE in all enigma2 images.

Posted by Huevos on 14 July 2020 - 00:25

@Littlesat, I don't understand your point about static. If an STB has a 7 segment display how does it make the data better because it was read from a /proc? And the worst thing about a /proc is it relies on the manufacturer to provide the data (and we all know how unreliable that is, i.e. if this /proc do this else if that /proc do that).


@WanWizard, I can't see how we can have a discussion about APIs if there is no data. OE-A images have the correct data available on the STB and no need for some special API. And BTW, this is not just about plugins. Enigma itself also uses this data, for example in the setup wizard.


And I already explained in another thread how easy it is to do this just using a .bb file, but unfortunately OpenPLi OE core doesn't have any environmental variables available in the build to be able to do this.


I even bothered to collect all the "static" data for every PLi supported model but that was rejected too even though it was just a third party  plugin.

#1074323 Reading EPG data from OpenTV (28.2E and 13 E)

Posted by Huevos on 27 June 2019 - 00:55

The only advantage I can see is the data could be added directly to the epg-cache.