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#917379 tuxbox-common updates

Posted by Huevos on 9 August 2018 - 19:38

I think you are pretty close. -08 and -09 have a leading zero.

And your west slots are not quiet in natural order e.g. -9 should come before -8.

And by the way I convert all PLS codes and modes to gold as that is what enigma now uses internally.

#864068 New tuner Si2166D- Mut@nt 51HD

Posted by Huevos on 30 March 2018 - 19:03

"tuner live values" was always available in the code. Then a few years ago I added it as a config option so users could decide what to display on the infobar. It is not just frequency, it also reports symbol rate, FEC, modulation, etc.


@WTE, there is no plugin involved.


The way I see it, it is easier for a development team to blame enigma2 than fix their drivers. When a development team says things like "our drivers are fine, and that it is all the other manufacturers drivers and enigma2 that are at fault" it is time to stop listening.

#858800 Quality of applications in general.

Posted by Huevos on 16 March 2018 - 13:35

It would be good if we could edit the post up to when there is a new post.

#844676 Button() and Label(), PLi opinion.

Posted by Huevos on 14 February 2018 - 13:37

BTW, guys you do realize certain functions are not available to StaticText()? Which is why the thread started with the question "is there a way to merge the functionality of all three of these class objects".

#837605 Button() and Label(), PLi opinion.

Posted by Huevos on 1 February 2018 - 19:38

Well, that's why there are versions. There was openpli 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. There will be openpli 7 someday.


A skin or a plugin might be compatible with openpli 6, but this does NOT mean that it will compatible with openpli 7.

While I agree with this... who ever heard of backward compatibility being one week. Seriously.


My suggestion is leave the old names for a while and just add new names. After a couple of months remove the old names. This gives the skinners time to catch up. After that time delete the old names, and start switching some Button and Label objects to StaticText. But in my opinion it is not fair to just break everyone's skins, especially when some skins are shared between images.

#837386 Button() and Label(), PLi opinion.

Posted by Huevos on 1 February 2018 - 14:36

And if you are rushing to add a new name do it so it is backwards compatible. i.e.

self["new_name"] = self["old_name"] = StaticText(_("my label"))

#830225 Button() and Label(), PLi opinion.

Posted by Huevos on 18 January 2018 - 00:32

Littlesat, I have made a simple plugin so you can see what happens at object creation and what happens on sending setText().


This is object creation.



This is what happens on sending setText().



This is what happens on sending setText() again.



So, the bug fix that is needed is that all those texts remain synchronized whenever setText() is sent.


Attached File  ButtonTexts.zip   2.26KB   4 downloads

#829664 Button() and Label(), PLi opinion.

Posted by Huevos on 16 January 2018 - 23:36

Also, say you write a plugin and it has 2 colour buttons. Later you add another colour button for a new function. The new button appears "by magic" without anyone needing to update the skin.

#829514 Button() and Label(), PLi opinion.

Posted by Huevos on 16 January 2018 - 16:49

Littlesat, fixing this bug doesn't break backwards compatibility. It just makes skinners lives simpler because they don't need to know what type of object created the text field. They only need to know what it is called.


As for the differing number of buttons that is not a problem. That can already be handled dynamically from within the skin.



#818891 Fast channel change (FCC) plugin in Pli6.1

Posted by Huevos on 28 December 2017 - 15:52

Problem is there are thousands of channels and you can only pre-tune a few. So how do you decide which ones? IMO Vu+ could do better fixing their driver errors than wasting time on pointless features like this.

#814517 Service scan - ignoring DVB namespace

Posted by Huevos on 17 December 2017 - 22:27

I made a patch for handling namespace subnetwork by DVB type for anyone interested.



#813340 Service scan - ignoring DVB namespace

Posted by Huevos on 15 December 2017 - 23:03

Holy cow.


If would be great if that could be configured without having to add it to a piece of C++ code...

I got that from of my Lyngsat fetch script.


Personally I think it would be better if namespace subnet was permanently on... and then something in EpgCache that only reads the first 4 digits of the namespace so EPG Import works both ways.

#810931 Will PLi be merging the S2X patch

Posted by Huevos on 10 December 2017 - 13:49

@Athoik, thanks for the analysis.


I think the most important thing is a manufacturer is not allowed to force a set of values on the rest of us. Or even worse, several manufacturers start using different values. That would be a nightmare. We, the E2 community, and the wider Linux community as a whole should be dictating these values, not the writers of closed source drivers that work on one brand of receiver.

#810461 Will PLi be merging the S2X patch

Posted by Huevos on 9 December 2017 - 14:27

Yes. Go in satconfig tuner selection screen and highlight the tuner. Press the info button on the remote. If your remote doesn't have an info button use the EPG button.

#810122 Will PLi be merging the S2X patch

Posted by Huevos on 8 December 2017 - 16:48

No it doesn't. It has a DVB S2 multistream extensions capable tuner. That is not DVB S2x.

sf4008 plays S2X transponders and I am not talking about S2 multistream.