Working like a charm! Thanks again for your work!
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Due to a database corruption issue, we were forced to restore last-nights backup. This means all posts of Saterday Febuary 17th have been lost.Community Stats
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In Topic: [News] New or changed channels
27 October 2020 - 18:47
In Topic: [News] New or changed channels
26 October 2020 - 12:51
Hi Willy,
the grab for seems to fail - at least there are no programmes in the news section.
I don't know where you grabbed it from previously, but here is a current schedule directly from PressTV:
Also, could you please add the following service reference? I don't know whether the old service refs are still active, but this one is the only current one I could find:
<!-- 13.0E --><channel id="">1:0:1:5FB:2C24:13E:820000:0:0:0:</channel><!-- Press TV -->
As always, thanks for your help!
In Topic: [Miscellaneous] Changes or new channels
19 October 2020 - 19:25
Thanks for the fast fix, looks good now!
In Topic: [Miscellaneous] Changes or new channels
18 October 2020 - 16:09
Hey Willy,
I had a look at the grab and it is generally working. However, you probably made the same mistake I made when looking at the schedule times.
When you look at the schedule for Sunday it starts at 20:00 GMT / 0:00 UAE. You probably only looked at the GMT times, but actually the UAE times are the ones they use to separate the days. So the first entry for today is from 0:00 UAE on October 18, which is actually 20:00 GMT on October 17. Because of this, the grab is shifted by one day. All events for tomorrow are actually events for today.
As an example, right now (Sunday, October 18 - 17:07 CEST) there is no EPG data in your grab. The correct entry is listed for Monday, October 19 at 15:30 - 17:30 CEST, so the grab shifts all entries on day into the future.
I don't know if it's easy to do this with your grab, but if you could shift all entries one day into the past, everything should be perfect.
Once again, thanks!
In Topic: [Miscellaneous] Changes or new channels
17 October 2020 - 13:45
Hi Willy,
in post #19 you wrote that you are supporting in the misc section. As it is some time ago: are you still supporting this?
Unfortunately the EPG data is missing, maybe because the schedule URL has changed since you added it. The current schedule can be found here:
Thanks if you get the time to take a look at this.
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