It's a big bug, so I have to choose another one.
I spent 300 euro for Atemio + 129 for Vu zero and both have bugs in their images. Incredible.
thanks anyway
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27 December 2014 - 14:58
It's a big bug, so I have to choose another one.
I spent 300 euro for Atemio + 129 for Vu zero and both have bugs in their images. Incredible.
thanks anyway
27 December 2014 - 14:33
It's incredible why in a forum if I ask help, all starting telling it's a clone, it's not supported. Do u know why there's a bug or not ? I think if I don't know is better shut up. Atemio it's not a clone and Openpli images are available everything. Vu zero is original, I tried blackhole and now this but I noticed that bug.
27 December 2014 - 14:28
vu zero it's not a clone it's original, I bought on VU+site at 129 euro
27 December 2014 - 14:05
Vu zero same problem. thanks
27 December 2014 - 13:52
As far as I know, Atemio Nemesis is not supported by OpenPLi, so I'm afraid you are on the wrong forum.
I don't understand why instead of helping to solve u have to criticize ? Help if u are able. Is not a problem of box because Vu+ and others has the same problem.