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Member Since 6 Sep 2014
Offline Last Active 06 Sep 2014 20:41

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In Topic: Extracting EPG Id's

6 September 2014 - 20:18

Hi.  Sorry if I have putmy first post in the wrong place.  However, I am intregued by this information about descriptor 0xb1.


I have noticed that the strings for this are:


1: Within each Bouquet then per transponder in TSID order


2: Within each mux, channels that apply to ALL REGIONS in that bouqet have "FF FF" at the start, and those the mean only certain regions appear before that.


The sequency is


00: Region ID digit 1

01: Region ID digit 2

02: SID digit 1

03: SID digit 2

04: DVB-Type

05: EPG-ID digit 1

06: EPG-ID digit 2

07: LCN digit 1

08: LCN digit 2

09: unknown

0A: unknown


Then digits 02-0A inclusive properties are copied over and over to the end of the string.


My question is - What is digits 09 and 0A used for - ie the 10th and 11th digit?


Thanks for your help and please can you tell me how can I set my box up so that I can dump changes in this stream to a file so I can easily compare differences whenever they change?  I would also need to ask it to check every so often.  If anyone can help please get in touch.


Thanks and well found.


In terms of Freesat, I think that is slightly different - with descriptors 0xd1 to 0xd9 I think but again, help would be appreciated in terms of that as well please.

