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Member Since 5 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active 06 May 2022 23:39

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In Topic: Epg-importer vs EPG-refresh

8 April 2022 - 21:16

Hi tx for all your feedback  :) 



@ WanWizard - I use  E-Channelizer, on my Vu+ duo 4k and have a swap of 1G

the epg.dat file on my usb stick about is about 50.000 kb  I think my mem is ok ? I checked it via DCC E2 and,  root is about 20%  DEV is 1% and media 0% and volatile 3% 




@Pr2 thanks for the info , but if I wanna look up some things via EPG search,  so to me ,its not so bad to have more choices , lots of countries show movies and  series in a languages I speak/understand for me that's 6 , anyways , lots of them are in  English  with their subtitles,  also I use EPG -Translator plugin, works very well for me.


all your info has cleared it for me , thanks

I will  just use EPG-Importer, as it takes less time and does not block my box   :)  which the EPG-Refresh did , even when I choose  " fake -recording"