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Lid geworden: 16 jan 2010
Offline Laatste activiteit: 14 jan 2015 19:25

#287996 IPV6 in 2.1 and 3.0

Geplaatst door spock aan 15 juli 2012 - 17:11

You were right, these two files did "ip addr flush dev":

root@vuultimo:/etc# grep -r "ip addr flush" *
udhcpc.d/50default:					  ip addr flush dev $interface
wpa_supplicant/functions.sh:				  ip addr flush dev "$WPA_IFACE" 2>/dev/null

After adding "scope global", the problem is gone. Not sure if the change is needed in wpa_supplicant functions.sh, but I added it anyway. (I'm on wired)

#237702 Moving to "high-tech" house, need new receiver, guidance

Geplaatst door spock aan 10 december 2011 - 12:28

No thanks button on this forum, but many thanks for clarifying that! :)

Yes, there is! Use the green 'Up' button on the right to give a "thumbs up" (or the red one to show your disapproval).

Nice, that's really a better system than having posts with 200 thanks under them, just garbling things up. Anyway now you are +28 good, so maybe santa will bring you an ET9200 too?! B)