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Member Since 16 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active 07 May 2024 21:15

#1333011 One proc file for detecting the MACHINE in all enigma2 images.

Posted by jenseneverest on 28 March 2021 - 19:05

What part is not clear to you?

More repositories are open now, that's OK but it doesn't change anything actually.

It's still closed.

This is just a joke.

It's like "I give you this car, but you can't drive with it".

Open repositories are for self study now, LOL.


Yeah I know, the build of OV is always broken.

Pushing untested code blind to Github and let it fix by other developers is a real  Open Vision thing.

The other working code is stolen from other images, without credits.

Tell me, are testers still need to do a mandatory donation to get an image?



Well ,never mind, I don't care.


Changing Image name to "Closed Hypocrite" would be better.


Good luck.


And the best thing.... once you have jumped through all the relevant hoops, you come to realise, very quickly, that it is just a pile of crap anyways :lol:  :lol:

Or perhaps you meant to change all of the code until you end up with openPLI again :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Anyways your right, no one should care, besides we are miles off topic on this thread, talking about the same old problem. (well actually it is one person really).

#862286 NEW* Enigma2 1080 Skin Converter by KiddaC

Posted by jenseneverest on 26 March 2018 - 23:04

From what I can say right now it's a hardware limitation. And also it would be great a huge waste of video memory which is very limited.
Even with 1080p you can get in troubles and it also already decreases GUI response times noticably.
And that would get worse with 4K (if it will ever become available on some future HW).


It is here already, dreambox have it on the dm900 and there are 4k skins out there such as hd glass 18.

How well it works is another story.... i do not own a dreambox so cant say either way

Guess we will need quad core e2 boxes soon  :P  

#777154 Vu+ 4K QuadPiP

Posted by jenseneverest on 4 October 2017 - 00:33

I must say this forum has a load of patience with some members ;)


With openPLI when or if, it is ever implemented it will done in the right way, hence the great image we all enjoy. 

Thank you to all responsible.