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Member Since 16 Jul 2013
Offline Last Active 07 May 2024 21:15

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In Topic: One proc file for detecting the MACHINE in all enigma2 images.

1 April 2021 - 23:23




What part is not clear to you?

More repositories are open now, that's OK but it doesn't change anything actually.

It's still closed.

This is just a joke.

It's like "I give you this car, but you can't drive with it".

Open repositories are for self study now, LOL.


Yeah I know, the build of OV is always broken.

Pushing untested code blind to Github and let it fix by other developers is a real  Open Vision thing.

The other working code is stolen from other images, without credits.

Tell me, are testers still need to do a mandatory donation to get an image?



Well ,never mind, I don't care.


Changing Image name to "Closed Hypocrite" would be better.


Good luck.


And the best thing.... once you have jumped through all the relevant hoops, you come to realise, very quickly, that it is just a pile of crap anyways :lol:  :lol:

Or perhaps you meant to change all of the code until you end up with openPLI again :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Anyways your right, no one should care, besides we are miles off topic on this thread, talking about the same old problem. (well actually it is one person really).



So you are a crap collector?




Another in love person with OV ;)



LOL :D Your actually right, there is a load of crap in there. I have lots of crap in many other places too  :P

I cant understand your current thinking and probably never will, it is a shame as some of your idea's were good, you should not be surprised to find others using some of them... just like you have cherry picked most of the closed vision code. I always though that was the idea of public gits, to share/ improve / develop. :rolleyes:   Anyways as already said, i soon realised the image itself was a pile of crap and moved onto better things. No point messing with closed crap anyway. Have a lovely day :thumbs-up:

In Topic: One proc file for detecting the MACHINE in all enigma2 images.

28 March 2021 - 19:05

What part is not clear to you?

More repositories are open now, that's OK but it doesn't change anything actually.

It's still closed.

This is just a joke.

It's like "I give you this car, but you can't drive with it".

Open repositories are for self study now, LOL.


Yeah I know, the build of OV is always broken.

Pushing untested code blind to Github and let it fix by other developers is a real  Open Vision thing.

The other working code is stolen from other images, without credits.

Tell me, are testers still need to do a mandatory donation to get an image?



Well ,never mind, I don't care.


Changing Image name to "Closed Hypocrite" would be better.


Good luck.


And the best thing.... once you have jumped through all the relevant hoops, you come to realise, very quickly, that it is just a pile of crap anyways :lol:  :lol:

Or perhaps you meant to change all of the code until you end up with openPLI again :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Anyways your right, no one should care, besides we are miles off topic on this thread, talking about the same old problem. (well actually it is one person really).

In Topic: Blacklisted companies/teams/persons

7 February 2021 - 00:23

And to the rest:

Honestly I don't care what you think or what you do, you could write stories or do what you want.

Our enigma2 repo is open and if somebody wants to compile OV he could using the old sources so I don't get your point at all.

I only get one thing: if someone is after our recent OE means he wants to do something nasty ;)

Our OE will NEVER be open again as I don't want unauthorized persons to be able to compile what I compile, not so hard to understand.


Define "nasty" 

The whole idea of open source is for it to be used. Experimented on, changed, added to, modified and in return you may get some of the changes back.

Exactly what you were doing, to Pli and all the other open teams work.




 otherwise you would have kept the "first persion empire" image and not moved to openpli 


A leopard never changes it spots.

Closed vision on sale soon.....

In Topic: ERROR: linux-vuultimo4k-3.14.28-r1.3.2 do_compile: oe_runmake failed

5 February 2021 - 12:48


Thanks for the reply.

This is my first time adding patches, the build is still running but has now passed the driver compile stage

I have attached the patch for those that follow, and checking what i have done is in fact the right way to do it ?



I edited linux-vuplus-3.14.28.bb

SRC_URI += "\
	file://bcmsysport_3.14.28-1.12.patch \
	file://linux_prevent_usb_dma_from_bmem.patch \
	file://multiple-definition-yylloc.patch \

This is the patch for easy reference

diff --git a/scripts/dtc/dtc-lexer.l b/scripts/dtc/dtc-lexer.l
index 3b41bfc..9b9c29e 100644
--- a/scripts/dtc/dtc-lexer.l
+++ b/scripts/dtc/dtc-lexer.l
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ LINECOMMENT	"//".*\n
 #include "srcpos.h"
 #include "dtc-parser.tab.h"

-YYLTYPE yylloc;
+extern YYLTYPE yylloc;

 /* CAUTION: this will stop working if we ever use yyless() or yyunput() */
 #define	YY_USER_ACTION \
diff --git a/scripts/dtc/dtc-parser.tab.c_shipped b/scripts/dtc/dtc-parser.tab.c_shipped
index ee1d8c3..699c3e5 100644
--- a/scripts/dtc/dtc-parser.tab.c_shipped
+++ b/scripts/dtc/dtc-parser.tab.c_shipped
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 #include "dtc.h"
 #include "srcpos.h"

-YYLTYPE yylloc;
+extern YYLTYPE yylloc;

 extern int yylex(void);
 extern void print_error(char const *fmt, ...);

Attached File  Patch.zip   852bytes   3 downloads



In Topic: OpenPLi Release Candidate 8.0 available.

5 December 2020 - 02:47

why the need to go to python 3 ?  What advantages to that ? Other than a new language i see no benefit, or am i really missing something.......

Anyways thanks to the team, will try Pli 8 the weekend :thumbs-up: