with some hacks I was able to get picture (for SD channels sound too) on DM7020HD and Oscam ymod:
1. I've got video / audio / PCR pids and flag set to 4 in lamedb (no PMT timeout by Enigma then)
2. I've created /tmp/pmt.tmp file for Oscam (contains SID, PMT PID, VPID, APID).
3. For DM7020HD (for other boxes maybe not needed): I had to force Oscam using demux3 and ca3 devices. It seems, that device numbers are passed to oscam in capmt via camd.socket. If using pmt.tmp file, Oscam defaults to demux0 and ca0.
1. How do you set this flag?
2. What is the contents of such a 'pmt.tmp' file?
3. How do you force OSCam to use that?
I presume an A: line will do the trick (!)
If I read where this parameter stands for I should think that too, but what do I use for 'ECM PID' and 'dummy'?