Good news and bad news:
Using the comand line , i have no errors...
find /media/hdd/tacho/flac/ -name "*.flac" -exec gst-launch playbin2 uri=file://{} \;
I played 12 hours flawlessly..
Using the GUI , the error is present...
There must be a bug in the GUI , because gstremer seems ok.. ALSO DOES THE DRIVERS !!!
My idea don't work.
If you can find out, which files cause the problem, there might be a way to build a workaround (e.g. all files with 48khz cause the problem, then we can downsample it to 44.1khz or files with 32bit sampling depth or ...).
Does this problem also occur when you use VTI image? Do you use the latest drivers? I heard some flac problems were solved with the latest drivers.
I never tested the VTI image , but the problem hapened in BH .
I dont know which drivers i am using , how do i check that ?
i am using last fpga update thought
I will continue to test.... its all seems like a "media player plugin" bug to me...