My answer was not as arrogant and ignorant as you are suggesting. I simply pointed out that it is hard to get me excited in this area.
And my advice was not a bad one - you can now write a simple shell script which does init S rmmod of all your drivers and then modprobes them again and tries to bring your box back to runleverl 3.
IF your drivers survive this procedure (and are realy successfull unloaded - check output and dmesg or better bootlog for verification) at least 2 times in a row, then you have a reasonable fair chance to get a successfull kernel switch with kexec if you solve all the other problems.
If not, then you better forget it, because switching the vanilla kernel with kexec gives only a few seconds advantages to completely stop existing one, reset hardware and boot a new one (=hard reboot) with then newly and successfully loaded and drivers without the above problems.
BTW that is bootmode wobble in Barry Allen if you want to seen and check out how to do this.
Edited by gutemine, 9 January 2014 - 12:07.