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Mount CIFS/NFS (Synology)

cifs nfs mount synology nas

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#1 zendagi

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 20:00


how can i mount my network hard drive (synology) on my dm800se using cifs or nfs protocol.

i cant find any tool on my box how allowed me to do this.


Re: Mount CIFS/NFS (Synology) #2 Meega

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 20:15


ET10000+ Openpli 6.1,1m schotel 4x duo-lnb op vaste opstelling.

Momolights teensy 2.0 met 50 leds op een string ,150 channels
DM8000 Openpli 6.1 Release

Re: Mount CIFS/NFS (Synology) #3 zendagi

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Posted 18 November 2013 - 22:05


it dosent work.

but i edited the fstab and it works finnaly.


Re: Mount CIFS/NFS (Synology) #4 EnoSat

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Posted 15 December 2013 - 18:23

my set for DS

<?xml version="1.0" ?>

Re: Mount CIFS/NFS (Synology) #5 ims

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Posted 15 December 2013 - 18:34

for synology NAS is better to use autofs/autofs4. I am using it half year on OpenPli4 (VU,XP1000) and OpenPLi3 (DM800SE) and from this time my 3 synology boxes can sleep disks well. Here is example for sharing between boxes. But for NAS it is similar.

When is shared server down, box do not wait long time for connecting.



opkg install autofs

opkg install autofs4



1)edit /etc/auto.master  … modify or add lines:

for box using OpenPli3:

/media/dirname /etc/auto.xxx

for box using OpenPli:

/mnt/dirname /etc/auto.xxx --ghost


2)create /etc/auto.xxx file(s), where xxx is used name in auto.master  (f.eg. auto.xp)

3)fill content of auto.xxx files (there can be more records in one file):


folder -fstype=cifs,username=user,password=passwd,noatime,noserverino,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlmv2 ://serverip/sharedname


4) restart box - you will see shared folder there in: /media/dirname/folder



in auto.master:

/mnt/xp1000 /etc/auto.xp

then create auto.xp file and write:

harddisk -fstype=cifs,username=root,password=dreambox,noatime,noserverino,iocharset=utf8,sec=ntlm ://

shared disk from xp1000 will be visible as:



Note: on XP1000 must exist shared folder in smb.conf as [hdd]



  • for e2 boxes use sec=ntlm, for others cifs servers sec=ntlmv2


Kdo nic nedělá, nic nezkazí!

Re: Mount CIFS/NFS (Synology) #6 gorski

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Posted 17 December 2013 - 21:59

From my "PBNIGMA guide" for those who might need it:


The  sign is the result of copying -> sign from a pdf file... So, it directs you to the next step...


From NAS to MMC

1) On Synology DS210j [my cool Linux-based, really well sorted NAS], I created shared folders [video, music, photo].

2) Then, I activated the NFS sharing protocol in DS210j settings [Linux streaming protocol, as opposed to Windows, CIFS].

3) In the NAS I also created a user I called Ferrari [including the password]. Otherwise, all else is done from the main admin account, with its password. One needs to give rights to the Ferrari user [Write and/or just Read, according to what your needs are].

4) Each Shared Folder must be edited for -> NFS Privileges. Here, I gave them to my F500HD, in the form of its IP address [192.168.x.x].

Even though I have an account with username/password to log in – those aren’t necessary!

The Shared Folders, once again, are video, music, and photo.


Mounting shared folders in MMC using NB/MM plugins

There are two ways of mounting shared folders from “networked devices” ([W]LAN) to your MMC/F500 HD:

1) Using NetworkBrowser/MountManager plugins or

2) Using fstab editing.

For the former: press the MENU on RCU to get to the  Main Menu  Setup  System  Network  NetworkBrowser. Don’t worry, I will repeat some stuff from above but it’ll make it
easier on you, so you don’t have to go back to find the relevant parts of the “guide”… 

Make sure all your multimedia devices are turned on.

The plugin scans your Home Network and gives you what it finds in the list.

Choose your (Linux) NAS and you are supposed to see all of its shared folders, which you now need to “activate” and “mount.”

Choose one and it will ask you if you want to enter a username and password for this host.

Choose “no“! Then, you will see the list of all the folders it found. Pick one.


(...in my guide there are some photos now but here I can't post them right now, sorry...)

Active  Enable.

Local share name  give it a name that will describe which machine it is and which shared folder it is (for instance, NASvid, NASmus, NASphoto or PCvid, PCmus or PCphoto).

Mount type  NFS, if your machine is Linux based (like my Synology NAS 210j) or CIFS share, if your PC/laptop/NAS has Windows as its operating system.

Server IP  192.168.x.x (local network IP address of your NAS or PC).

Server share  it has two slots, divided by the forward slash ( / ) sign (my NAS/NFS shares require both slots but my CIFS/laptop shares require only one slot = the name of the folder itself): NFS/NAS example: /volume1/video and CIFS/PC example: /VIDEO.

Use as HDD replacement  no.

Unless you want to record to your NAS or PC over the network, in which case choose “yes”  where your box will be recording by default (in Setup  Record path /hdd/movie will be that folder).

Mount options  leave it as it is (rw,nolock,tcp)

Press OK on RCU to save the "mount".

Note: username and password in User management are not needed, if you did what I did in the beginning of this part of the guide!

You must repeat this procedure for each shared folder on any machine with shared folders you want to stream from.

You can check if the folders are both mounted and active by going out of NetworkBrowser and choosing MountManager Mountpoints management, where you can edit or delete them.

Where to find those folders in E2?

Well, if all goes to plan, all of those "Mount Points" can then be seen in 2 places:

1) Media centre  choose My Videos (or Music or Pictures)  here, one is given various options, depending on what one has attached to F500HD:

-Internal Flash,
-HDD or
-USB stick and then follow
-all of those shared folders mounted by Mount Manager plugin, from either your NAS or PC/laptop,

but also

2) under: Internal Flash  media  net  they are all there as well...

Normally, we can choose the recording path, like the picon or EPG path. However, if we do this via the plugins, the default path is changed and directed to the NAS partition of your choosing by choosing the partition as “HDD replacement”!!!

Therefore, the advantage of this approach, is that the default /hdd/movie folder (to record to) will now be on the NAS, if you choose the option to use at least one of the shared folders on the NAS as an "HDD replacement"! HD channels might not record correctly over the net…

Mounting shared folders in MMC by editing fstab

I learnt, thanx to Manolito's help, how to mount NFS shares from my NAS by editing the fstab file, which is in /etc folder of E2. That is quite an elegant procedure.

For my NAS/NFS shared folders it looks like this: create folders (I make three: filmovi, muzika and fotke folders) in /media/net/, where you will mount your NAS shared folders. This is the
syntax for NFS, if anyone needs to mount a Linux-based NAS:


192.168.x.x:/volume1/video /media/net/filmovi nfs nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,intr
192.168.x.x:/volume1/music /media/net/muzika nfs nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,intr
192.168.x.x:/volume1/photo /media/net/fotke nfs nolock,rsize=32768,wsize=32768,intr

-192.168.x.x = NAS IP address
-volume1/video = the path to the shared folder with movies I stored on my NAS
-media/net/filmovi - folder to mount it to, in your F500HD with E2
-nfs = type of protocol used by my Linux-based NAS
-the rest is standard, re. the data transfer limit.

This reduces the need for plugins and thereby simplifies E2, making it lighter, faster and more stable. If you mount a USB HDD beforehand, then this is cool to do for NAS.

<span style='font-family: comic sans ms,cursive'>"Enlightenment is man's emergence from his self-incurred immaturity. Immaturity is the inability to use one's own understanding without the guidance of another. This immaturity is self-incurred if its cause is not lack of understanding, but lack of resolution and courage to use it without the guidance of another. The motto of enlightenment is therefore: Sapere aude! Have courage to use your own understanding!</span><br /> <br /><span style='font-family: comic sans ms,cursive'>Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why such a large proportion of men, even when nature has long emancipated them from alien guidance..." I. Kant, "Political writings" (1784)</span><br /> <br /><span style='font-family: comic sans ms,cursive'><a class='bbc_url' href='<a class='bbc_url' href='http://eserver.org/p...lightenment.txt'>http://eserver.org/p...ent.txt</a>'><a class='bbc_url' href='http://www.english.upenn.edu/~mgamer/Etexts/kant.html</a>'>http://www.english.upenn.edu/~mgamer/Etexts/kant.html</a></a> - the jolly text on Enlightenment, at the basis of Modernity...</span>

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