Two weeks ago I updated to a 4.0 openpli image on my VU+ Duo.
I've noticed two changes that I can't modify:
1. The volume is noticeably quieter than before. The VU+'s RC volume keys seems to be directly forwarded to the TV. Is it possible to one-time adjust the volume on the VU+ to its max using the RC, or using the Setup menu? I've noticed that in Setup | HDMI-CEC, the setting "Forward volume keys to TV" was enabled. I disabled this and restarted Enigma, but it didn't make any difference.
2. When I list the available recordings on the hard disk, the Red button deletes the currently selected recording. Previously, when I deleted a recording, openpli would prompt me to confirm my choice. Now, the recording is immediately deleted, which increases the chances of accidentally deleting a recording. Can this feature be enabled? I looked in the recordings Menu settings, but couldn't find it.
Many thanks,